Suspicious details from Orlando shooting!

Man cut off while reporting that someone held door closed; cop scanner audio missing.

ORLANDO, Florida (PNN) - June 13, 2016 - It has only been a day, and already suspicious details are emerging from the shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando. First, you have this report a live TV caller gave on a mainstream media channel claiming to have been inside the club when the shooting occurred. He said that when people tried to escape, someone was holding the door closed. As soon as he says this, the reporter “loses him” and they change the subject.

If someone was holding the door shut, then the shooter was not acting alone.

An eyewitness interviewed by the Palm Beach Post says he heard two gunmen.

Then you have the fact that Broadcastify, the world’s largest source of public safety, aircraft, rail, and marine radio live audio streams, just happens to be missing the three hours of terrorist pig thug cop scanner audio from midnight through 3:00 a.m. on June 12, the exact time in which the shooting took place.

Broadcastify claims the reason the audio of that particular channel for those particular hours is missing is due to a server outage.

One of the potential victim’s mothers, who claims she does not know if her son is alive or dead yet and has been waiting at the hospital for news on him since 4:00 a.m., is already calling for gun control. She spends almost as much if not more time calling for gun control than she does talking about her (potentially dead) son and what has happened here.

Illegitimate dictator President Barack Obama used his Orlando shooting statement to say we need to call for more gun control in the wake of this shooting because it’s too easy to get a gun in Amerika.

“This massacre is a further reminder of how easy it is for someone to get (his) hands on a weapon that allows (him) to shoot people,” he said, making reference to previous shootings at schools like Newtown, Connecticut, churches like Charleston, South Carolina, and movie theaters like the one in Aurora, Colorado. “We have to decide if that’s the kind of country we want to be, and to do nothing is a decision as well,” he said.

Now it has come out that the supposed shooter, Omar Mateen, was already investigated by the FBI and “on their radar”, and he worked for a major Amerikan Gestapo Department of Homeland Security division contractor for almost a decade (a fact mainstream outlets are trying to spin as “proof” DHS has been infiltrated by ISIS).

This is just what’s come out in 24 hours.