Surveillance state: who is watching the watchers?

WASHINGTON (PNN) - July 1, 2013 - As a presidential candidate, Barack Obama promised transparency and open government yet his illegitimate regime is one of the most closed governments in Fascist Police States of Amerika history, described as being worse than even the Nixon regime.

The technology and information revolution allows the government to cast its net wider than ever before: collecting data, watching, spying and analyzing. As revelations of systemic snooping continue to hit the headlines, we have to ask: who is watching the watchers?

Just when more people open up about their private lives through social media, the fascist outlaw government becomes ever more intrusive.

With more than 1,300 government surveillance and monitoring facilities in the Fascist Police States of Amerika, it is incumbent on us to ask why so many government programs are top secret. Why is secrecy and surveillance becoming such big business? Is a national security state anything new?

We discuss whether state secrets really work, the rationale behind them, and examine what the world might be like without secrets.

The implicit conclusion that emerges is that secrecy in government is counterproductive. It is not only terribly damaging to the democratic process, but also, in the long-run, to the very objective of national security.