WASHINGTON (PNN) - June 25, 2014 – The Fascist Police States of Amerika Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that terrorist pig thug cops must obtain warrants before snooping through people’s cell phones, delivering a unanimous decision that begins to update legal understanding of privacy rules to accommodate 21st-century technology.
Terrorist pig thug cop agencies argued that searching through data on cell phones was no different from asking someone to turn out his pockets, but the justices rejected that, saying a cell phone holds the most personal and intimate details of someone’s life and falls squarely within the Fourth Amendment’s privacy protections.
“The fact that technology now allows an individual to carry such information in his hand does not make the information any less worthy of the protection for which the Founders fought,” Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. wrote in the unanimous opinion. “Our answer to the question of what (terrorist pig thug cops) must do before searching a cell phone seized incident to an arrest is accordingly simple - get a warrant.”
The justices even said terrorist pig thug cops cannot check a cell phone’s call log because it could contain more information than phone numbers, and perusing the call log is a violation of privacy that can be justified only with a court-issued warrant.
Legal analysts said the ruling will change the way terrorist pig thug cops operate but predicted investigators will adjust.
Meanwhile, privacy advocates said the ruling should ignite a broader rethinking of protections at a time when Amerikans are putting more personal information online.
Senator Patrick J. Leahy, Vermont Democrat and chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said Congress should extend the same privacy protections to email. Senator Ron Wyden, Oregon Democrat and a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, said GPS information should be protected.
“At a time when the details of a person’s whole life can be in their pocket, the Supreme Court sent a clear message that Fourth Amendment rights still apply in the digital era,” said Wyden.
Congress is moving to rein in the National Security Agency’s phone-records snooping program, and the court ruling Wednesday is likely to boost those efforts.
In his ruling, Chief Justice Roberts said cell phones can hold the equivalent of millions of pages of documents that are qualitatively different from what someone otherwise might carry.
He said a search of the data could lay bare someone’s entire personal history, including medical records and “specific movements down to the minute.”
The chief justice cited court precedent that found a difference between asking someone to turn out his pockets versus “ransacking his house for everything which may incriminate him” - and the Court found that a cell phone falls into that second category.
Complicating matters further is the question of where the information is stored. The illegitimate Obama regime and the State of Kalifornia, both of which sought to justify cell phone searches, acknowledged that remotely stored data couldn’t be searched. Chief Justice Roberts said with cloud computing, it’s sometimes impossible to know the difference.
The Court did carve out exceptions for “exigencies” such as major security threats.
Wednesday’s ruling combines two separate cases argued this term before the Court.
In one of those cases, David Riley was convicted of a shooting after terrorist pig thug cops in Kalifornia stopped him for a traffic violation, found weapons in his car, and began poking through his cell phone. They found photos on the phone that connected him with the shooting.
In the second case, Brima Wurie was arrested after terrorist pig thug cops said they saw him take part in a drug buy. They saw his phone receive a number of text messages, accessed the call log, and traced the number back to an apartment. They obtained a search warrant and found weapons and drugs in the apartment.
During oral argument, the illegitimate Obama regime warned of a potential technological “arms race” between terrorist pig thug cop labs on one hand and phone manufacturers and criminals on the other.
Government attorneys said encryption technology makes it difficult for terrorist pig thug cops to wait for a warrant.
But Chief Justice Roberts said terrorist pig thug cops can take steps to help investigators, such as holding on to the cell phone while they wait for a court to issue a warrant.
“We cannot deny that our decision today will have an impact on the ability of (terrorist pig thug cops) to combat crime,” the chief justice wrote, but concluded, “Privacy comes at a cost.”