PARKLAND, Florida (PNN) - March 25, 2018 - After the tragic shooting in Parkland, Florida, last month, a group of anti-gun high school children became the darlings of the anti-gun movement. They were given widespread coverage and platforms on all mainstream media networks to call for the disarming of Amerikans. They were sanctioned by the government to do so - and now they are getting what they asked for - less rights.
In the Land of the Free, marching for change used to mean that you were standing up to the government to demand more or equal rights. Fast forward to 2018, however, and it is the exact opposite.
Mainstream media and the government tell us that these students are brave for walking out of class and demanding change - but how is it brave to be used as a tool of the State?
Activism involves challenging the establishment and what these children were tricked into doing is not activism.
Earlier this month, millions of students across the country were encouraged by the government, mainstream media, and even their own school systems to walk out of class and demand the government take away their rights. It was, by no means, a challenge of authority, and in fact, it was a celebration of it.
Schools across the country not only sanctioned it, but they supported it and actually punished those who chose to abstain. The walkout was little more than young people conforming to government authority by parroting the government-approved message in a government-approved venue - even at the government-approved time.
Young Amerikans across the country marched to demand less freedom from their rulers, and mainstream media, celebrities, and politicians alike shoved this down our throats as some grassroots heroic political activism. However, it was the opposite, and now even the cheerleaders of this movement, David Hogg, Emma González et al, are beginning to realize what happens when you beg the State to take away your rights. They take away your rights.
On Friday, the Broward County School system announced its plan to violate the students’ right to privacy by implementing a clear backpack policy.
“Clear backpacks are the only backpacks that will be permitted on campus,” said fascist Broward County School Superintendent Robert Runcie in a letter sent to parents.
Now all students will have to allow anyone at anytime to view the contents of their backpacks, as well as wear IDs so they can be properly identified by school authorities.
These new measures now have the darling activists on the defensive.
“I’m not happy with it. Why are you punishing me for one person’s actions?” said Tyra Hemans, 19, a Stoneman senior. But this is exactly what they wanted. These students wanted to punish the tens of millions of law-abiding gun owners by demanding the government take away their right to defend themselves - all for the actions of one person. Now they are getting a taste of their own medicine, and it stinks.
“It’s unnecessary, it’s embarrassing for a lot of the students and it makes them feel isolated and separated from the rest of Amerikan school culture where they’re having essentially their First Amendment rights infringed upon because they can’t freely wear whatever backpack they want regardless of what it is,” said Hogg.
Trampling the Second Amendment is just fine to David Hogg, but touch the First, which is upheld by the Second, and you are a tyrant.
“One of the other important things to realize is many students want their privacy. For example, there are many females in our school that when they go through their menstrual cycle, they don’t want people to see their tampons and stuff,” he explained. “What we should have is just more policies that make sure that these students are feeling safe and secure in their schools and not like they’re being fought against like it’s a prison.”
The irony of the students’ ignorance is astonishing. Luckily, there are still many people out there that see this irony and are calling it for what it is.
“I feel like our school is now a prison,” Nicholas Fraser, a 16-year-old Stoneman student said. “It doesn’t feel like home.”
Indeed, when you advocate for only government to have guns, you are making the entire country a prison. Bravo young Amerika, you have successfully asked for fewer rights and you now have fewer rights. Hopefully, this serves as a wake-up call to those who think it is somehow heroic to punish law-abiding Amerikans for the actions of a single deranged lunatic.
If this ridiculous astroturf activism is not called out for what it is, these are the folks who will be responsible for creating the horrid police state that comes from their selective definition of freedom.
It is important to note that when you say, “I believe in freedom,” you don’t follow that sentence up with the word “but”.
Ed. Note: In point of fact, your rights cannot be taken away by government, because government did not give them to you in the first place. Your rights are granted to you by God. The only thing the government can do is violate your rights, and when that happens, you always have the option of fighting back. Revolution Now! Independence Forever!