Students taught that government is a family that should be obeyed!

SKOKIE, Illinois (PNN) - September 1, 2013 - A homework assignment was given to children at a public school, which revealed the true nature of this nation’s education model: to condition impressionable young people to accept the paternal role of the state; trusting, accepting, and obeying the state’s wishes as you would your own family. This familial role of the state has been formally advocated since the onset of public education in the Fascist Police States of Amerika.

Fourth-graders at East Prairie School in Skokie, Illinois, were distributed an assignment titled, “What is government?”

The assignment was prefaced with a statement that caused a stir with some parents.  The worksheet stated:

Government is like a nation’s family. Families take care of each other and make sure they are safe, healthy, educated, and free to enjoy life. Families encourage children to be independent, hardworking and responsible. Families make and enforce rules and give appropriate punishments when rules are broken. Government does these things for its citizens, too.”

The worksheet goes on to make a series of analogies between the state of families in the form of questions.

This worksheet is completely in line with the foundation and intent of the communist Amerikan public education system.

Few people realize that the American Public Education System was directly imported from Prussia (modern day Germany). This model of “free and compulsory” education was designed by the Prussian Emperor, in order to generate obedient workers and soldiers who would not question his authority.

The man most directly credited for the system we now know so well was an educator and lawmaker by the name of Horace Mann. He is often titled the father of Amerikan public education.

In the 1830′s, Horace Mann visited Prussia and researched its education methodology. He was infatuated with the emperor’s method of eliminating free thought from his subjects and designed an education system for Massachusetts directly based on these concepts. The movement was then eagerly spread by statists across the country.

John Gatto - a notable two-time winner of New York State’s “Teacher of the Year” award - has written some remarkable articles speaking out against the current education system. In one analysis entitled The Prussian (German) Educational System, Gatto informs us of the model Amerika adopted:

The educational system was divided into three groups. The elite of Prussian society were seen as comprising 0.5% of the society. Approximately 5.5% of the remaining children were sent to what was called realschulen, where they were partially taught to think. The remaining 94% went to volkschulen, where they were to learn “harmony, obedience, freedom from stressful thinking, and how to follow orders.” An important part of this new system was to break the link between reading and the young child, because a child who reads too well becomes knowledgeable and independent from the system of instruction and is capable of finding out anything. In order to have an efficient policy-making class and a sub-class beneath it, you’ve got to remove the power of most people to make anything out of available information.

Harmony, obedience, freedom from stressful thinking, and how to follow orders. These are the pillars of the Prussian - now Amerikan - public education system. Its Amerikan founder, Horace Mann, said, “The State is the father of children.”

It should come as no surprise when that same system blatantly promotes the government as some kind of paternal entity that cares about your health, safety and education; and of course, something that makes rules that should always be obeyed.