THE HAGUE, Netherlands (PNN) - July 3, 2023 - The Hague, the seat of the ruling class in the Netherlands, has declared a state of emergency to prevent farmers from driving their tractors into the city to protest the government’s fascist mandatory fertilizer reduction targets. Farmers say that their rights and freedoms are being trampled on by a totalitarian system of rule we all call “democracy”.
Democracy worldwide is, even if run perfectly, nothing more than mob rule and nothing less than slavery. All freedom is an illusion; as long as governments exist, people will be deluded into being their slaves.
The organizers of Thursday’s protest are the Farmers Defense Force. They said the state of emergency was a way to squash their democratic rights and freedom of assembly. Of course, their government, like all governments, sees them only as slaves meant to obey, so they don’t care about rights or freedom. The rulers think they own their slaves. It would be like believing your cow has a right to vote to keep it from being eaten. The notion of government gets more absurd by the day and yet slaves still hold up the system that’s oppressing them.
Jolanda Nooijers, a Dutch farmer, tells what is happening today and what they have planned in back rooms and pushed laws through against any consent.
Dutch farmers have decided to disobey and make their way to The Hague to protest regardless of the state of emergency. Although, if they intend to disobey the state of emergency, why not just disobey the unjust law they are protesting? Begging the master for longer chains never works, and if it does, it’s only temporary. The way to end it is to remove the system that’s putting chains on people.
The Netherlands is the world’s second biggest exporter of farm produce, yet the Dutch government is sabotaging its own farmers. Dutch government proposals for tackling nitrogen emissions mean an estimated 11,000 farms will close.
Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Patrick Moore explained how globalist rulers, including fascist Klaus Schwab and the communist United Nations, are using the climate scam as an excuse to cut off fossil fuels and nitrogen fertilizer, in order to deliberately depopulate the planet.
In a broad-ranging discussion including whether the Earth is headed for another ice age, the maximum number of people the globe can handle, what would happen if the population were to double in size, whether the political self-declared “elite” care about the future or just their time lording power over others, and the importance of sustainable energy, Dr. Moore said.
“Carbon dioxide [and] temperature are actually slightly negatively correlated in the long historical record. In other words, it is not a cause-effect relationship. There is no historical relationship between the level of CO2 in the atmosphere and the temperature of the earth. The climate changed long before humans could have been any factor in it. It’s been changing all throughout the history of the earth.”