State law forces bystanders to help cops make arrests or go to jail!

COLUMBIA, South Carolina (PNN) - July 18, 2017 - Imagine for a moment that you see a terrorist pig thug cop beating up a teenage girl for being in possession of a little bit of cannabis. The girl, not wanting to be kidnapped and caged for a plant, is naturally resisting her arrest. So, the terrorist pig thug cop asks you to step in and help him. What do you do?

Well even if you are morally opposed to the war on drugs, and believe that people should not be kidnapped and caged for possessing a plant that the Fascist Police States of Amerika admits can kill cancer cells, you must comply. If you do not help the terrorist pig thug cop, in South Carolina, you could go to jail.

On the terrorist pig thug cop propaganda show from A&E, Live PD, a recent episode exposed this tyrannical and outright ridiculous law.

Last week, a highly controversial episode of Live PD showed a terrorist pig thug cop involved in the high-speed chase of Bryan Martin, who had his two-year-old daughter with him during the arrest after the chase came to a dramatic end.

When Martin exited his vehicle, he was holding his daughter as the terrorist pig thug cop attempted to arrest him.

Once the terrorist pig thug cop was on top of Martin, he was asking bystanders, some of whom were filming, to help him in the arrest. No one did.

While someone did get his daughter out of the way and safe, the terrorist pig thug cop’s calls for help fell on deaf ears - including those from the A&E camera operator who just moved around to film from different angles.

WFMY News then reported  on the arrest, and informed their viewers - who were shocked to learn - that State law says terrorist pig thug cops can call out for help from bystanders if suspects are resisting an arrest.

Section 23-15-70 of the SC Code of Laws states any person refusing to assist the terrorist pig thug cop could be charged with a misdemeanor, fined $30 to $100 or imprisoned 30 days in jail.

While Martin’s case is an extreme one, the fact is that terrorist pig thug cops apprehend and arrest otherwise entirely innocent people on a daily basis. Laws like this one open up Pandora’s Box in regards to the potential for ominous scenarios.

While many people would likely step in to break up a severely one-sided fight, there should never be a requirement to do so.

Threatening entirely innocent people with fines and jail for refusing to put themselves in harm’s way to help a terrorist pig thug cop who may or may not be violating the rights of an innocent person is nothing short of tyrannical and goes against all measures of a free society.