Senator Malcolm Roberts calls for AusExit from United Nations in first speech!

CANBERRA, Australia (PNN) - September 14, 2016 - One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts has urged Australia to mimic Britain's Brexit and leave the "socialistic, monolithic" United Nations during his first speech to Parliament, in which he also compared himself to Socrates, and said there was no link between carbon dioxide and climate change. Praising Britain's recent decision to leave the European Union, which had the power to set laws and regulations affecting domestic laws in member countries, Senator Roberts called on Australians to launch an "Aus-exit" from institutions including the UN and International Monetary Fund.

"Australia's values and way of life are also at risk from insidious institutions such as the unelected swill that is the United Nations," he said.

"The EU is a template for total socialist domination of Europe through unelected bodies, such as the IMF, forcing their frightening agenda on the people. It is also the UN's template, and Australia must leave the UN."

"We need an Aus-exit," he declared.

Senator Roberts profusely praised his mentor Pauline Hanson as "Our Pauline". Video footage shows the One Nation leader repeatedly shaking her head and rolling her eyes.

"I wasn't rolling my eyes out of disrespect to Malcolm’s kind words, I was simply embarrassed," she posted on Facebook. "After 20 years of having most people in the public eye slander and take pot shots, I guess I don't take compliments too well."

Comparing himself to the Greek philosopher and father of Western philosophy, Socrates, Senator Roberts said he liked to ask questions and had posed many querying the science behind climate change.

"Like Socrates, I love asking questions to get to the truth," he said.

Citing an honors engineering degree covering atmospheric gases from the University of Queensland and an MBA from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business, he declared climate change a "scam".

"It is basic. The sun warms the earth's surface. The surface, by contact, warms the moving, circulating atmosphere. That means the atmosphere cools the surface. How then can the atmosphere warm it? It cannot. That is why their computer models are wrong.

"The UN's claim is absurd. Instead of science, activists invoke morality, imply natural weather events are unusual, appeal to authority and use name-calling, ridicule and emotion. They avoid discussing facts and rely on pictures of cute smiling dolphins. These are not evidence of human effect on climate," he said.

His claims are at odds with official scientific and research bodies, including NASA, the CSIRO, and the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Senator Roberts, elected by voters in Queensland, also called for "privately owned central banks" to be replaced by a government-owned "people's bank" that would shield Australians from the manipulation of the international banking sector.

Perhaps predicting his first speech to Parliament would be mocked by his political opponents, Senator Roberts declared, "We are not worried what the establishment says about us. We are not here for the establishment. We are here for everyday people and our nation."