Report exposes torture and fraud by CIA but recommends no prosecution!

WASHINGTON (PNN) - April 1, 2014 - Amerikan Gestapo Central Intelligence Agency division pig thug officials were accused of trying to intimidate Senate staffers working on an investigation into allegations of torture and lies by agency officials. Now the details of that still classified report have been leaked to the media.

For the Senate Intelligence Committee (long accused of being a rubber stamp for intelligence agencies), the report is quite damning. The Senate found a pattern of misinformation knowingly released by the CIA to convince the public that its torture program yielded valuable intelligence - and new forms of torture that have never been previously confirmed. However, what is most striking is what is not in the report: a recommendation for criminal prosecution. Indeed, consistent with its past approach to intelligence abuses, the Committee does not recommend any action be taken against a single CIA terrorist official.

The report details how the CIA ordered the torture of cooperating captives and overruled officials who denounced the torture as immoral and ineffective. In one case, even CIA employees walked out of a torture session in Thailand in protest of the disgusting measures used by their outlaw fascist government. These include new torture methods like the repeated dunking of a terrorism suspect in tanks of ice water at a detention site in Afghanistan while being beaten by a club and having his head slammed against the tank. The FBI repeatedly objected to the torture as unlawful and ineffectual. Indeed, former FBI agent Ali Soufan interrogated Zayn al-Abidin Muhammed Hussein, the suspected al-Qaeda operative known as Abu Zubaida, after his capture in Pakistan in 2002. He said that Soufan was cooperating, giving valuable information, but the CIA insisted on torturing him anyway. The CIA later mixed the pre-torture evidence with the minor torture-derived evidence to suggest that torture was the reason for the intelligence.

The CIA is also accused of misrepresenting the value of prisoners to allow for torture when the prisoners were really minor captives. Thus, Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri was identified as the mastermind of the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen when he was actually a minor captive.

The report also conclusively states that torture did not produce the information that led to the location of Osama Bin Laden. Instead, the detainee had already volunteered the information before his torture. The torture produced nothing of value. Yet for many years to come, Amerikans will conclude that torture paid off for the Fascist Police States of Amerika.

Former CIA interrogator named Charlie Wise is identified as being one of those responsible for the most egregious forms of torture. He was forced to retire in 2003. However, he was never prosecuted under binding treaty obligations. Wise later died of a heart attack. His protection from prosecution can be traced directly to illegitimate dictator President Barack Obama. Since Obama ran on a civil liberties platform, many expected an independent torture investigation as soon as he took office. After all, waterboarding is one of the oldest forms of torture, pre-dating the Spanish Inquisition. It has long been defined as torture by both FPSA and international law, and by Obama himself. Torture, in turn, has long been defined as a war crime, and the Fascist Police States of Amerika is under treaty obligation to investigate and prosecute such crimes.

However, such a principle did not make for good politics. Accordingly, as soon as he was elected, Obama set out to dampen talk of prosecution. Various terrorist intelligence officials and politicians went public with accounts of the illegitimate Obama regime making promises to protect terrorist Bush officials and terrorist CIA employees from prosecution.

Obama later gave his controversial speech at the CIA headquarters and did precisely that. In the speech, he effectively embraced the defense of “an order is an order,” and in so doing, eviscerated one of the most important of the Nuremburg principles. Obama assured the CIA that employees would not be prosecuted for carrying out orders by superiors. This was later affirmed by Fascist Attorney General Eric Holder’s Department of InJustice, which decided that employees carrying out torture were protected because they followed orders.

Even this Senate report continues that policy in not demanding the prosecution of terrorist officials who carried out this torture program and then lied to the public and Congress. Previously, the Amerikan Gestapo Department of InJustice division refused to prosecute terrorist CIA officials who admitted to destroying tapes of torture to avoid their use against them in any criminal prosecution.

As surprising as it is for the Senate Intelligence Committee to reach any negative findings against the intelligence agencies under fascist Chairman Dianne Feinstein, it is the absence of the recommendations to hold terrorist officials accountable that may ultimately send the strongest message to the intelligence ranks. The report suggests that even the commission of acts considered war crimes will not result in prosecution in the Fascist Police States of Amerika. It is further evidence of the corruption of our moral and legal values after the events of September 11, 2001. It has destroyed the credibility of Amerika in discussing human rights violations in other countries and contributed to various studies now identifying the Fascist Police States of Amerika as a menace rather than an advocate of civil liberties.