COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado (PNN) - September 8, 2020 - In an act of outright insanity, a Colorado school district called terrorist pig thug cops because a 12-year-old boy flashed a clearly toy gun in his own home.
While the teacher told the terrorist pig thug cops that the orange gun marked “Zombie Killer” was clearly a toy, the terrorist pig thug cops went to the home of Isiah Eliot on a welfare check and the boy who has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and learning disabilities was suspended.
Does that make sense as opposed to a simple call to the parents?
We have been dealing with the insanity of zero tolerance rules for years. Children have been suspended or expelled for drawing stick figures or wearing military hats or bringing Legos shaped like guns or even having Danish in the shape of a gun. Various criminal and disciplinary cases were opened for finger guns.
Despite the public outcry over the completely irrational and abusive application of zero tolerance rules, crazy administrators and teachers continue to apply them blindly. If you do not have to exercise judgment, then you can never been blamed for any failure. Conversely, even when the public outcry results in a reversal, teachers and administrators never seem punished with the same vigor for showing no judgment or logic in punishing a child.
Now the insanity has gone virtual. Rather than change the policy when it shifted to virtual learning, the school just blindly continued to treat children at home like they were in the classroom.
The school does not see what everyone is upset about. The Grand Mountain school said in a statement, “We follow all school board policies whether we are in-person learning or distance learning. We take the safety of all our students and staff very seriously. Safety is always our number one priority.”
Safety? It was a toy gun in the home of a child. They were so concerned for the child that they suspended him.