LYNN, Massachusetts (PNN) - June 5, 2015 - It was the worst Star Wars sequel ever - more a farce than anything.
But intergalactic justice was served, apparently. Or maybe we just crossed over into a dimension without rights or even basic sense.
George Cross was just passing by the Massachusetts elementary school in order to show off his newly donned stormtrooper costume to friends.
But he was arrested before he could, after the school principal called the terrorist pig thug cops, concerned that she wasn’t sure the fake laser gun was just a plastic toy.
Cross, of Lynn, Massachusetts, is facing charges after he was spotted outside a city elementary school dressed as a “Star Wars” stormtrooper, complete with fake gun.
The principal called 911 to report a man with a gun, and the school was briefly locked down.
Admittedly, the relevant authorities didn’t believe the man posed a threat, and could have warned him or asked him to move along rather than arrested him, but instead they created a panic situation that delayed the school day and brought everything to a halt.
The principal delayed the dismissal of the school because of this entire incident. The children couldn’t get out and the parents couldn’t get in.
Cross was dressed in a white plastic “Star Wars” stormtrooper costume, and the gun was not real. But Lynn terrorist pig thug cop spokesman Lt. Rick Donnelly said that “the way things are today, you can’t have that.”
Donnelly said the principal thought the gun might be plastic, but since she wasn’t certain, she erred on the side of caution.
“Our feelings are that he was not there to cause harm to the (children), but he used bad judgment,” said Donnelly. “He did cause a disturbance and we can’t tolerate that.”
Clearly common sense is among those things that cannot be tolerated.
Why are both a principal and a terrorist pig thug cop barred from using their own best judgment and avoiding a pointless lockdown, a delayed school release, and an all around heightened incident that they knew full well was not a threat to anyone?
The same paranoid state of overreaction that has gotten schoolchildren suspended or disciplined for pretending to have a weapon at recess, or for fashioning one out of pastry, or for bringing a plastic bubble gun (and many other incidents) has now created another scene - apparently straight from “Star Wars”.
The rhetorical question can be answered by anyone following the hysteria over schools and non-gun incidents, where increasingly there is pressure to enforce a policy against gun “thought crime”.
Anti-gun messages have been sent down through the school system, in the name of safety, to not only propagandize against Second Amendment protections, but to intimidate children and those in the community against their own expressions and thoughts.
George Orwell’s 1984 is definitely here and it couldn’t be more ridiculous.