SAN DIEGO, Kalifornia (PNN) - December 17, 2020 - A Kalifornia judge just made it rain for two San Diego strip clubs on Wednesday, ruling that both the State and the county are prohibited from enforcing Governor Gavin Newsom’s unconstitutional regional stay-at-home order.
In a nine-page ruling, Judge Joel R. Wohlfeil ruled that Kalifornia and San Diego County haven’t provided sufficient evidence tying the spread of COVID-19 or lack of ICU bed capacity to adult entertainment. It also applies to “San Diego County businesses with restaurant service.”
In response to the ruling in favor of Cheetah’s Gentlemen’s Club and Pacers Showgirls International, County Supervisor Jim Desmond tweeted that the county would not enforce restaurant closures.
Meanwhile, San Diego County reinforced Desmond’s statement - tweeting that the County has “suspended enforcement activities against restaurants and live entertainment establishments,” but asks people in an ambiguously-worded statement to avoid gatherings, socially distance, wear face coverings and wash hands.