NEW YORK (PNN) - October 5, 2012 - In a Fox Business interview Wednesday, Rep. Ron Paul refused to say who he was planning on voting for - but ruled out voting for Mitt Romney or illegitimate President Obama, leaving only one plausible option.
"I obviously haven't announced in support for Romney, so that means that's very unlikely," Paul said. " I don't think anybody thinks I'm going to vote for Obama. So it's back to that frustration level in not seeing a dramatic choice in how the system works."
"Tonight there's a debate going on," said Paul. "If you come to the conclusion that the candidates aren't all that different, why do we have to just listen to two of them?"
"There are other people who are technically capable of winning because they're on a lot of ballots," Paul said, to which his interviewer said "Like Gary Johnson, for example."
But he wouldn't confirm that he was definitely voting for Johnson.