Continues run for GOP nomination!
LAKE JACKSON, Texas (PNN) - May 14, 2012 - Congressman Ron Paul, known widely as The Patriot Congressman, has announced that he will no longer be using resources to campaign in primary states, instead focusing all of his efforts on delegate-selection events, as he vows to continue to vie for the GOP nomination for president.
Rep. Paul (Texas) issued a statement on his official website on Monday announcing that he will immediately begin to concentrate on collecting delegates at state conventions in lieu of traditional campaigning in states where he will have to compete in GOP presidential primaries.
Following the bowing out of Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich in recent weeks, Rep. Paul has become the most likely opponent to Mitt Romney in terms of taking the GOP nomination. Both men are vying for the Republican Party’s nod so that they can challenge illegitimate President Barack Obama during this November’s election.
In Monday’s statement, Paul suggests that by continuing to accumulate delegates, he stands to give Romney a run for his money come the RNC later this summer in Tampa, Florida.
Paul says he will continue to try to accumulate delegates, a strategy that has been considered unorthodox by many but has so far proved to be mostly successful.
As of April 1, the Ron Paul for President campaign has roughly $1.8 million in the bank - quite an accomplishment given that Newt Gingrich suspended his campaign while $4.5 million in debt.
Last month, Paul’s campaign manager, Jesse Benton, told reporters, "I am not going to try to deceive you, and say that Romney doesn't have some advantages. But until he has 1,144 delegates, we are going to press on with our campaign."