NEW YORK (PNN) - April 2, 2016 - Calling it a “reverse Saul Alinsky” and “our days of rage” during an interview with Breitbart News Saturday host Matthew Boyle, Donald Trump ally Roger Stone discussed the “Stop the Steal” effort building to prevent the GOP establishment from stealing the Republican nomination from frontrunner Donald Trump at their Cleveland Convention. Stone said, “It’s vitally important that the grassroots of this country show their outrage at the idea that the vote of the people, the votes of Republican voters and those brave Democrats and Independents who crossed over to vote in the Republican primary are being disallowed. The Party bosses, the king makers, most of whom are lobbyists, as you know - that’s the second hat they all wear - are determined to steal this nomination from the people and from Donald Trump.
Claiming that effort had to be fought outside the hall as well as inside, said Stone, “I am urging Trump supporters of a nationalist agenda, as opposed to all the other candidates, who are globalists, to come to Cleveland. Take a bus, hitchhike, drive, fly, walk if you have to, we need you in Cleveland.”
Added Stone, “We need an enormous show of strength and we need to show we’re not going to stand for it. We plan three days of rallies and protests to show that the will of the people will not be denied. We plan a large Stop the Steal rally.”
Stone said Alex Jones and Pat Buchanan have already been invited to speak; former Congressman Ron Paul is also being invited to speak. While not a Trump supporter, Stone pointed out that Paul himself has been on the receiving end of similar tactics by the GOP establishment in the past. Additionally, Stone himself will speak, along with many others to be announced.