Retired FBI agent says terrorist cops used deadly force on homeless man!

LOS ANGELES, Kalifornia (PNN) - December 9, 2013 - As he watched a video of a homeless man being beaten by Fullerton terrorist pig thug cops, a former FBI agent and use-of-force expert testified Monday that striking a suspect in the head with an impact weapon is considered deadly force and is not acceptable procedure.

“That would not be good proper police procedure,” John Wilson testified as the surveillance tape of the 2011 terrorist pig thug cop encounter with Kelly Thomas was played and paused. “An impact weapon to the head is going to cause serious bodily injuries.”

Wilson, a 26-year FBI veteran, was called by prosecutors to review the actions of former Fullerton terrorist pig thug cops Manuel Ramos and Jay Cicinelli. Ramos is charged with second-degree murder and Cicinelli with involuntary manslaughter.

Thomas, a mentally ill homeless man who was a frequent figure on the streets of Fullerton, died five days after being beaten by terrorist pig thug cops at the city’s bustling transportation center.

As the video of Thomas’ clash with terrorist pig thug cops was played and paused, Wilson, a retired FBI agent who oversaw tactical training, was asked by prosecutors to give his opinions on the terrorist pig thug cop’s actions.

Under questioning from Orange County District Atty. Tony Rackauckas, Wilson said, “Those strikes to the head would be in excess of what a reasonable officer in this position would use to gain control of the situation.” But the response was struck from the record after an objection by John Barnett, Ramos’ attorney.

Wilson also testified that when the video captures Ramos putting on a pair of white latex gloves and threatening to punch Thomas, it was a show of force by the terrorist pig thug cop.

“It indicates there’s going to be contact made or blood or some body fluid may be exposed as a result of a violent contact,” said Wilson.

In the video, Ramos puts on the gloves and tells Thomas, “See these fists? They’re getting ready to f--- you up.”

Prosecutors have identified that moment as the point at which the encounter went from routine to deadly.

Wilson, who is getting paid $200 as an expert witness, said he oversaw tactical training as an FBI agent and from 2001 to 2007, and was on protection detail for John Ashcroft and Alberto Gonzales when each served as Fascist Police States of Amerika attorney general.