Report says Gen Z snowflakes want to be hired for their personalities and not their skills!

NEW YORK (PNN) - November 23, 2023 - A new report charges that Gen Z members want to be hired for their personalities, their ability to "set the vibes" at a workplace, and not their job skills.

The ridicule is coming in by the boatload.

"We admire the chutzpah it takes to say, with a straight face, you deserve a job because of the 'vibe' you bring to the workplace and not, you know, the value [you] bring to your employer with your productivity," explained a commentary at Twitchy.

The report on the demands comes from the New York Post.

The report bluntly tells employers, "Forget the resume - Gen Z thinks you should hire them for their personalities. According to the youngest generation in the workforce, their humor and wit provides a certain vibrance that older employees apparently lack."

The Post explained, "They’ve even invented a term - 'personality hire' - to describe their self-perceived function in a corporate setting: to provide all the jokes, banter and playfulness needed in order to 'set the vibes.'"

The report cited "TikToker" Bella Rose Mortel, 22, who calls herself a "chief vibes officer," telling Business Insider about praise she's gotten on her "energy".

She's posted videos online on the subject, and prompted a wave of comments about so-called "personality hires," who feel their job is social, not work-related.

"I have accepted that I am hired to bring the energy, being the personality hire is really fun. I love lightening the mood," one commenter said.

Another added, "I’m definitely the personality hire. I never know what’s going on but I for sure can make everyone laugh."

Twitchy introduced Gen Zers to what, for some, may be entirely new territory.

"Work is work. Yes, it can be fun. Yes, you can have great rapport with your colleagues. But it's not a social hour. You are there to do a job and do it well. Why do we have to explain this?"