WASHINGTON (PNN) - January 7, 2013 - Freshman Congressman Thomas Massie (Kent.) has wasted no time getting to work in D.C. Massie has already introduced a Libertarian ideal bill. If passed, the legislation introduced by Massie and his colleague, Rep. Steve Stockman would repeal the federal Gun-Free School Zones Act.
Gun-Free School Zones Act explains that it’s “unlawful for any individual knowingly to possess a firearm at a place that the individual knows, or has reasonable cause to believe is a school zone.” On the contrary, Rep. Massie believes these designated gun-free zones are ineffective. The Kentucky Congressman said in a statement, “They make people less safe by inviting criminals into target-rich, no-risk environments,” arguing that these zones will only disarm victims, not criminals.
Rep. Massie also noted, “Gun free zones prevent law-abiding citizens from protecting themselves, and create vulnerable populations that are targeted by criminals.” Bringing opposition against Massie’s legislation is Rep. John Yarmuth (Kent.), who considers greater gun laws to be the answer for less violence.
Rep. Yarmuth spoke out saying, “The Gun-Free School Zones law is designed to keep students from bringing guns to school and to ensure that there are serious consequences for those who do.” However, if a criminal has the intent to murder, wouldn’t breaking a “lesser” law be a no-brainer to an individual with the incentive to kill? The Democrat Congressman as well said, “Repealing the law would make it more difficult to hold offenders accountable.”
Massie said his legislation is in answer to calls from illegitimate President Barack Obama and others for tougher gun restrictions after the Dec. 14 elementary school shootings in Newtown, Connecticut that left 20 children and six staff members dead.
Kentucky’s 4th District Congressman pointed out, “Weapons bans and gun free zones are unconstitutional. They do not and cannot prevent criminals or the mentally ill from committing acts of violence. But they often prevent victims of such violence from protecting themselves.
In hopes to gather more support for H.R. 133, Rep. Massie met with National Association for Gun Rights Executive Vice President Dudley Brown this past Friday to discuss Massie’s legislation. A supporter of the two meeting, Joanna Reichert, wrote, “Wow - finally a push that recognizes criminals don’t care about signs! What a concept!”