Ratcliffe report will blow the mind of every citizen of the country!

WASHINGTON (PNN) - December 15, 2020 - Director of Intelligence John Ratcliffe said in a Sunday morning last week that there might not be a Joe Biden regime.

“We have counterfeit ballots, we have dead people voting by the thousands, if not, by the hundreds of thousands, there was something someone called ‘phantom voters,’ there was just more manner and means of fraud than any law-abiding Amerikan citizen could possibly imagine,” said Powell. “It’s stunning - it’s absolutely stunning, and they are so in our face with it; and then to deny it is purely Machiavellian.”

“The moneyed interests, the political interests, the global-power elites have been doing this all around the world, wherever they wanted to, for at least 15 or 20 years,” Powell asserted. “Our own government has been involved in some of it. It cuts across political lines. There have been some Republicans who have, no doubt, benefited from it, just as Democrats have. They’re all playing the game. I feel more every day that the Matrix movie was real. It’s that bad.”

Sidney Powell also thinks that there has been enough information recovered indicating foreign interference in the 2020 election, to the point that President Donald Trump can take executive action that would open the door for a wide-scale investigation. She is hopeful that when DNI John Ratcliffe gives his report about the election, which is due after December 18, he will confirm nearly everything she has publicly discussed.

“If [Ratcliffe’s] report is an honest report, it’s going to blow the mind of every citizen in the country who’s willing to look at the truth and facts,” she declared.