August 31, 2020 - Just as this report was released, a new National Poll did get released from Emerson College that showed Joe Biden's lead down to just 2pts.
Since the Emerson College July national poll, President Donald Trump has tightened the presidential race to a two-point margin, and is now trailing former Vice President Joe Biden 49% to 47%.
Spencer Kimball, Director of Emerson College Polling explains, “The Republican convention gave Trump his most positive week of news coverage which likely attributes to his bounce in this month’s poll and increasing job approval.”
The spread across voting patterns is dramatic...
For the first time since he’s taken office, Trump’s job approval rating is approaching a majority, at 49% approval and 47% disapproval. This is a jump of four points since July, where Trump had 45% approval and 51% disapproval.
Polling firm Rasmussen claims that national poll suppression is taking place in order to hide President Trump gaining on Joe Biden.
“OK folks, no joke, this is now a national poll suppression story,” tweeted the company.
The tweet featured a screenshot from Real Clear Politics showing that no polls have been released that cover the week after August 25th, which is before the rioting and looting in Kenosha, Wisconsin took place.
As another Twitter user pointed out, “From August 1-15 there were 16 polls that came out. From August 16-31 there have been only 8 and none covering a later date than the 25th.”
While other polls had Biden ahead by 9 points before last week’s riots, Rasmussen had Trump trailing by a single point.
A poll conducted by a less known firm also indicates that Trump now has a three-point lead in the national popular vote, and has forged ahead to a seven-point lead in key battleground states.
Are polling firms suppressing polls in an attempt to derail Trump’s momentum?
Support for Black Lives Matter (which Biden has advocated) in the key swing state of Wisconsin has plummeted from +25 approval to zero amidst the riots in Kenosha.
Anecdotal evidence also suggests that lifelong Democrats are now intent on voting for Trump due to the riots.