Radio Frequency Identification Chips with Liz McIntyre


Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips are the newest technology and have been hailed as a great benefit to people everywhere. The original reason for developing this technology was to better and more efficiently track product inventories and therefore streamline supply chain processing. This is supposed to bring consumers great savings, etc.

But there are numerous ways in which RFID technology is being applied that have raised serious concerns with privacy advocates, because this technology can be used to track products and people after they have left the store!

Liz McIntyre is co-author of Spy Chips, which comprehensively follows RFID technology, from its supposedly innocent beginnings to proof of the development by the United States government of ways to use RFID technology to track all Americans.

In this in-depth interview, you will discover the chilling and impending truth that the U.S. and other governments are seeking to track and control every single human being on Earth.

However, knowledge brings power. By understanding what is going on, you are better prepared to devise counter measures to deal with the current situation. There are ways to defeat RFID technology. Tune in and learn how.