Race riots as a result of Zimmerman verdict!

WASHINGTON (PNN) - July 14, 2013 - Oakland, Washington, Chicago, Seattle, the race riots sparked by the George Zimmerman trials have raised their ugly heads!

A quick recap, six white women found George Zimmerman innocent of wrongdoing.

Yes, he killed Trayvon Martin, but it was deemed in self-defense. Simply, the battering and bruises and blood on the face and skull of George Zimmerman weighed more than a picture of Skittles and soft drink.

Immediately upon hearing the verdict, riots flared up in cities across the Fascist Police States of Amerika.

The terrorist pig thug cops didn’t find enough evidence to arrest George Zimmerman after the death occurred.

Black activists came south and began a series of protests.

There must be justice for the black man was the theme.

Illegitimate President Barack Obama hopped on the bandwagon then, claiming Trayvon Martin looked like the son he never had.

Yet, in these protests, in the protest organizing… turned riot organizing… was there not a desire to circumvent justice?

The terrorist pig thug cops found insufficient evidence, and the trial was held only because of political pressure.

When the trial was done… insufficient evidence to convict George Zimmerman.

That’s when the riots, protests against injustice, began.

Yet, was it injustice? Or reverse racism… racism from the black community?

These same protesters didn’t get upset when Detroit rioted, with 47 injured and eight killed… all blacks!

Does that mean it’s okay for blacks to kill blacks… but it is not all right for whites (actually, Hispanics, in the Zimmerman case), to defend themselves against blacks?

The terrible conclusion to be reached here is that blacks do not believe in the principle of law. They view the court system only as a way to appease their anger, and not as a method for finding out the truth.

Yes, there may be sadness, and even anger, but only the ignorant riot in the face of such evidence as was presented in the George Zimmerman trial.

That isn’t all blacks rioting, only the disgruntled few, the few that are of weak character and who fall to the rabble rousing of mentally ill protest organizers.