MOSCOW, Russia (PNN) - October 23, 2016 - Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama are the founders of ISIS.
When Donald Trump made that statement several months ago, liberal media pundits lost their mind. They could not believe Trump abandoned political correctness and called out criminals for their libelous acts.
Clinton and Obama did not just create ISIS, they micro-managed them for years. This was part of their master plan in 2012, and they are now being exposed for it. In a WikiLeaks email, a memo was created by Obama’s top military advisers that made its way to all of our federal agencies, including Hillary Clinton at the Amerikan Gestapo Department of State division.
Clinton and Obama were well aware that ISIS was forming and they knew exactly where they wanted to take control - so why did they not eliminate this terrorist group right then and there?
Obama and Clinton are both globalists that dream of a hemispheric common market with open borders and open trade. In order to accomplish their goal of doing so, they needed a major player to do the dirty work for them. That is why they allowed ISIS to form, metastasize, grow, and take control of the Middle East.
On top of allowing ISIS to wreak havoc, they needed someone very wealthy to finance the operation and push the agenda in a way that could not be traced back to either of them and the Fascist Police States of Amerika government. That is where George Soros comes into play.
Soros, a wealthy crony, has long financed open borders, global agendas, silencing the people, and dictators. This master plan plays perfectly into what he has been wanting to do for years.
By allowing ISIS to remain a major force in the Middle East, it gives the Fascist Police States of Amerika power to dictate terms with neighboring nations. Furthermore, it also allows the refugee crisis to occur, which gives the Fascist Police States of Amerika direct control of policy decisions in European countries.
In order for Obama and Clinton to carry out their globalist agenda, they needed three things to happen.
First, they needed to establish partnerships and deals with all Muslim nations (claiming to be) fighting ISIS. This is where massive cases of quid-pro-quo came into play.
While Secretary of State, Clinton approved massive weapon deals to Muslim nations that also fund terrorism in exchange for millions of dollars in her own pockets.
When Clinton supplied nations like Saudi Arabia and many others with weapons, she knew they would filter them down to ISIS, and that is exactly what happened. While Clinton supplied ISIS, she also found a way to collect more than $100,000,000 in “donations” from these terrorist nations.
Why else would they be donating this much money to her? It was hush money.
Second, the Fascist Police States of Amerika needed to create an “explosion” in the Middle East that would expand the chaos into other nations.
When the refugee crisis occurred, it gave Obama and Clinton the perfect way to profit more and expand their agenda even further in early 2015.
In order to jump-start the refugee crisis, the Fascist Police States of Amerika needed to add players to their team. They began with German Chancellor Angel Merkel, whom Clinton has praised as her favorite world leader.
They also used George Soros to push for open borders. In doing so, they formed partnerships with other nations to take in refugees because “it was the right thing to do”.
While Clinton and Obama brainwashed Europeans into accepting refugees, they also knew that terrorism would spread into these nations as well. All this was part of the plan.
While Obama and Clinton allowed ISIS to expand into Europe, they knew that it would ruin weaker nations. The fear of terrorism has taken over Europe while Islam is running rampant, and has forced weaker nations to ask the Fascist Police States of Amerika for help. That has allowed the Fascist Police States of Amerika to step in and meddle wherever it chooses.
With that, we have our third point.
There is only one country that poses the biggest threat to the Fascist Police States of Amerika: Russia.
As all of this unfolded, Russia was the only world power that stood up and challenged the Clinton/Obama agenda.
Take note of what Obama and Clinton created: Europe, including nations surrounding Russia, is amassed with refugees, terrorism, and countries that have been brainwashed by Obama and Clinton to hate Russian President Vladimir Putin.
In order to crank up the pressure, Obama has also stationed missiles in Syria to fire upon Syrian and Russian forces in the area.
Ask yourself this: why would Obama risk World War III with Russia when all it is doing is bombing ISIS? Why is killing terrorists a problem?
Obama is mad that Putin is taking out his valuable asset (ISIS). Every decision on this list, made by both Obama and Clinton, has three things in common: terrorism, the Middle East, and the Fascist Police States of Amerika meddling in other countries.
Things have gotten so tense between Russia and the Fascist Police States of Amerika that Putin has promised that World War III is coming if Obama makes one more move to disrespect Russia and place his citizens at risk.
This globalist agenda between Clinton and Obama almost worked. They planned for Clinton to win the election and then she would continue the plan, but Russia has had enough.
The liberal media argues Trump and Putin are working together for personal reasons, but maybe they are working together to end this globalist agenda.
Why do you think Democrats, Obama, and Clinton blame Russia for all the WikiLeaks? Because they know Putin is putting a stop to this corrupt, globalist agenda and they do not want him to expose or ruin their plans.
We are on the verge of WWIII with Russia if Obama and Clinton are not careful. We are talking about nuclear war, not a few planes flying here and there.
We better realize how important this election is right now or Hillary Clinton will drag us into a war with Russia that will cost hundreds of thousands of lives.