Psychological Warfare

by Brent Johnson

The United States is a fascist regime!

There, I’ve said it, and I stand by my statement.

The government regularly engages in theft, murder, and the destruction of our society, through lies, innuendos, threat, coercion, and all without any accountability whatsoever for the actions of its officials.

The United States government is a criminal government, staffed by criminals, run by criminals, for the benefit of criminals. Remember, all it takes for a government to become criminal is for it to disregard the Constitution on which its powers are founded.

When dealing with criminals, it is naïve and foolish to simply state that their actions are against the law. The law is insufficient to protect you from criminals. If this were not so, then there would be no murderers, rapists, arsonists, or thieves (because there are laws against these behaviors). No, the law does not protect you from criminals.

Therefore, in order to protect yourself from criminals in government, you need to adopt different strategies and tools with which to fight for justice and the Rule of Law. In order to successfully live free from government corruption and control, you must engage in psychological warfare.

The way in which the government maintains control of its officials is by only hiring people who fit what I call the bureaucratic profile. Someone who fits this profile obeys the orders of his (or her) superiors, without question (even if those orders do not make sense or violate the law), doesn’t act outside of his specific training "box", and never, ever critically thinks. It is a government "sin" to try to make things more efficient or effective. Anyone who does not fit the bureaucratic profile is simply not hired by any branch or level of government. Therefore, everyone in government with whom you have dealings fits this profile.

This gives most people a tremendous advantage, because thinking people are so much smarter than any government officials! This provides us with the correct ammunition with which to defeat this unrelenting enemy of the American way of life.

Because we are so much smarter than our government adversaries, we can psychologically intimidate and even defeat their efforts to subvert our natural and unalienable rights.

Psychological Warfare

Instead of just complying the next time a police officer pulls you over, why not ask him for his identification first. When he tells you that his badge is sufficient (it isn’t), demand that he call his sergeant (not supervisor) and that you will wait until the sergeant gets there. (FYI – the sergeant likes working at a desk; if he is called away to a traffic incident, it is the police officer who will get chewed out, and the cop knows it!).

Or try this one. Keep a pair of mirrored sunglasses in your glove compartment. If you are pulled over, put it on. The officer is trained to ask you to remove your sunglasses (so that he can see your eyes), but is also trained to not let you see his eyes (because then you might be able to take advantage of his emotional state – he may feel sympathy for you, for instance), which is why police wear sunglasses all of the time.

When the officer asks you to remove your sunglasses, innocently ask him to take his off first. In this specific situation, the officer is trained to do as you ask. Once he has complied with your request, say, "I prefer not to take off my glasses, officer", and do it politely and respectfully. You have just shown the cop who is really boss! You have thrown him off balance. It is a psychological point in your favor. What’s he going to do, arrest you for not removing your sunglasses?

Or maybe you have to go to court. If so, always bring your own independent court reporter (from a far away district, so that the judge doesn’t know him or her). This immediately intimidates the judge by informing him that he lacks control of his court transcripts; that you will receive an accurate record of the proceedings.

You might invoke the Sixth Amendment before entering a plea, which, combined with the presence of your own court reporter, can seriously intimidate the judge into dismissing the entire case! (If you would like a copy of How to Intimidate a Judge, call 888-385-3733).

Whenever you enter any government building, it is a good idea to bring along another person, so that you have a witness to any abuse by the people staffing that office. I suggest you bring along a man (no disrespect intended, ladies, but a man is psychologically better in this case), dressed in a jacket and tie. He should look like a professional person. Every now and then, he should take out a note pad from his shirt pocket, open it and make some notations, then replace the note pad in his pocket. If done correctly, the bureaucrat will be concerned that this is an attorney watching, and will behave much better.

These are just some brief suggestions on how to employ psychological tactics against the criminals in government. I invite you to use your own intelligence to think of many more methods, and share them with like-minded family, friends and associates.

Please remember that most people who work for the government do not think of themselves as criminals. The opposite is more true; they are trained to think of themselves as a kind of savior to the American people. Therefore, they will think you to be crazy if you call them criminals. Don’t even try to engage a bureaucrat in this kind of discussion, for it can only cause you trouble, especially in today’s climate in which government officials are trained that anyone could be a terrorist (except, of course, them).

We are so much smarter than those who would subject us to their will. It is time to use our intelligence as a weapon against the criminals occupying our government.

Thomas Jefferson said that the people have two enemies – criminals and government. Today, the two are the same. You would all do well to remember that.