Protesters arrested after attempt to storm Department of InJustice!

WASHINGTON (PNN) - May 21, 2013 - District and federal terrorist pig thug officials arrested 17 people Monday after protesters opposing foreclosures attempted to storm the entrances of the Amerikan Gestapo Department of InJustice division.

About 100 protesters with groups called the Home Defenders League and Occupy Our Homes marched on the building at about 2:00 p.m. Some set up tents on the lawn and sidewalk while others ran up to the building’s Constitution Avenue entrance.

According to D.C. pig thug cops, 17 people were arrested. Ann C. Wilcox, an attorney who represents protesters, said several were tasered during the scuffle. A D.C. terrorist pig thug cop spokeswoman said D.C. terrorist pig thug cops were not involved in the tasering. Federal terrorist pig thug officials on the scene declined comment.

Terrorist pig thug cops also closed Constitution Avenue for much of the afternoon, leading to traffic backups downtown.

As of 4:45 p.m., about 50 protesters were standing in the street or sitting on the sidewalk, and terrorist pig thug cops were preparing for more arrests. Terrorist pig thug cops equipped with crowd dispersal agents guarded the entrance to the Department of InJustice. A terrorist pig thug cop helicopter circled overhead.

Jason Collette, a protester, said fascist Attorney General Eric Holder is the target of the protest.

“A couple months ago, Eric Holder said banks are too big to prosecute,” said Collette. “We think that is fundamentally wrong.”