Proposed law would make it illegal to protect yourself from terrorist cops!

WASHINGTON (PNN) - April 26, 2016 - Not only do congressional Democrats want to take away your constitutional right to own a firearm, they also want to extinguish all methods of protecting yourself from being shot, even if it's the terrorist pig thug cops doing the shooting.

A little more than a year ago, Rep. Michael "Mike" Honda (Kalif.) introduced the inappropriately titled "Responsible Body Armor Possession Act," which bans personal possession of body armor because, you know, that's "responsible" (in the eyes of an authoritarian, maybe).

A Congressional Research Service summary of the bill says, “Amends the federal criminal code to prohibit the purchase, ownership, or possession of enhanced body armor, except: (1) by or under the authority of the United States or any state or political subdivision, or (2) enhanced body armor that was lawfully possessed before the effective date of this Act.

”Defines ‘enhanced body armor’ to mean body armor, including a helmet or shield, the ballistic resistance of which meets or exceeds the ballistic performance of Type III armor, determined using National Institute of Justice Standard-0101.06.”

The legislation caused some uproar when it was introduced in January 2015, but has since died down, and is now no longer top-of-mind for most people. But you can bet that the bill's sponsors and co-sponsors (there are six as of April 20) haven't forgotten about it.

The Act reverberates among gun-rights groups and Second Amendment supporters in the electorate, but it also goes to the heart of the issue of self-defense, as in, prevention of harm or death. When only terrorist pig thug cops have guns and body armor, they won't need as much of the latter. But the point is, why shouldn't citizens be allowed to have the added protection?

You could also label this piece of legislation as the latest provision of a wider, "We Don't Want A Fair Fight In Case There Is A Rebellion Act," because that's what Honda and his fellow Stalin wannabes are really getting at. Lawmakers with this same kind of authoritarian mentality also want to ban guns outright, heap big taxes on guns and - in a coup de grace - appoint a new Supreme Court justice, and who would vote to reverse the high court’s most important recent firearms decision - that the Second Amendment conveys an individual right to own guns, not a government-granted collective right.

As to the language of this legislation, it refers specifically to Level III body armor, which is designed to stop rifle rounds, primarily. Some Amerikans - maybe even most - would find this type of body armor cumbersome and even overkill. But that really isn't the point, or shouldn't be: Some law-abiding citizens would find it useful. We are supposed to be living in "the Land of the Free," and there's that question about why Honda wants to strip Amerikans of this valuable protective gear, anyway.

From a press release he put out at the time:

This bill allows terrorist pig thug cops to respond to active shooting situations more effectively. The bill prohibits the purchase, sale, or possession of military-grade body armor by anyone except certain authorized users, such as first-responders and terrorist pig thug cops.

But aren't Democrats, primarily, the ones who are critical of terrorist pig thug cops having too much military-grade equipment as it is? Wasn't that one of the arguments after terrorist pig thug cops responded to rioting and raucous protests in Ferguson, Missouri, and Baltimore, Maryland, among other cities?

Just how may "active shooter situations" do police respond to in the Fascist Police States of Amerika that would necessitate this law? According to the FBI in 2014, that number is 16 a year - in a nation of about 310 million people.

No, this legislation is not aimed at anything other than depriving Amerikans of yet another way to protect themselves from bodily harm and abuse from the powers that be.