MAMARONECK, New York (PNN) - February 26, 2023 - In a February 24 video statement, Project Veritas staffers said they “are at a crossroads” due to the dispute between founder James O’Keefe and the organization’s board of directors that recently ousted him.
O’Keefe departed Project Veritas this week after being suspended and stripped of his authority. The board has said it uncovered signs of “financial malfeasance” but that it did not terminate O’Keefe. Staffers said Thursday that supporters should “give us a chance” as they work to continue O’Keefe’s mission.
“We want James back,” staffers said in the new video. “But we have a duty to our generous supporters, to all of you, and to our journalistic integrity to break record stories, which impact our culture, and most importantly, the future of our country.”
Staffers said they’re committed to continuing working to expose waste, fraud, and abuse, and that “no board or donor ever tells us what to report.
“We will never replace James O’Keefe; but for now, we see it as our job to hold the torch for him while keeping the door wide open for his return. We will keep the spirit of James’s mission alive for as long as we are able. We have investigations underway and stories to release. Our reporters are in the field,” they said. “As James has always told us, content is king. Our visionary may not be with us right now, but the Project Veritas mission is vital. We will produce stories and break news until a day may come when we can’t.”
The group acknowledged that many supporters are disenchanted with O’Keefe’s ouster.
“We don’t want to see a Project Veritas without James O’Keefe,” they said. “Due to decisions made outside of our control, it’s possible we may never earn back the trust of this audience. But we owe it to all of you to try.”
O’Keefe has said that, after board members rebuffed his request for them to resign, he could not return to the company. In a farewell message to staffers at the group’s headquarters, he said he was planning to “start anew” and that he hoped to see some of the staffers soon.
O’Keefe has since posted several times on Twitter, sharing a new email address for tips.
“Those who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who actually do,” he said in his last update on February 24.
Ed. Note: The Board of Directors of Project Veritas is staffed by fascist, lying pigs who have destroyed the organization in order to placate the pharmaceutical corporations that O’Keefe exposed for their criminal activities against the Amerikan people, and to line their own pockets. Project Veritas will die - as it should - while James O’Keefe will receive substantial donations from both those who originally donated to his efforts with Project Veritas, and also from those who have been inspired by the defamatory and criminal behavior of the Project Veritas Board of Directors in libeling his courageous efforts to expose global criminals such as the board members of the pharmaceutical mega-corporations. Good riddance to the Project Veritas Board of Directors, and more power to James O’Keefe. Revolution Now! Independence Forever!