Pro-Trayvon Martin protesters attack grandmother!

Outlaw thugs refuse to let family take child to hospital!

HOUSTON, Texas (PNN) - July 17, 2013 - While much of the nation was focused on the pro-Trayvon Martin “protests” (practically riots) in Los Angeles and Oakland on Monday, demonstrators in Houston resorted to violence as they rallied for “justice for Trayvon”.

The demonstrators in Houston on Monday evening successfully blocked traffic on a highway overpass and the road below. A woman, badly in need of getting her 7-year-old granddaughter to the hospital due to an allergic reaction, found herself at the mercy of the rowdy protesters.

“I looked up and I see all the protesters, they’re everywhere. So we got into the traffic and they’re stopping us and not letting us go,” said the woman, who only identified herself as Georgia.

Georgia’s daughter, who was driving the car when the incident occurred, first attempted to go around the protesters by driving on the grassy shoulder, but the crowd would not let her pass.

“One of them was hitting the windshield and I was just screaming, ‘We’ve got to get to the hospital,’ and they were screaming and chanting,” Georgia’s daughter said. “All I could think of was I got to get my granddaughter to the hospital.”

That’s when Georgia rolled down the window to reason with the frenzied protesters. They responded by assaulting her.

“She said, ‘We’re trying to get my granddaughter to the hospital,’ and a guy just started hitting her,” her daughter recalled.