President Trump calls on Congress to defund the DOJ and FBI!

WASHINGTON (PNN) - April 5, 2023 - This is on the Republicans.  They can continue to stand down and cower in their offices or they can begin to save the country.

President Donald J. Trump is right. The Representatives and Senators who call themselves Republicans didn’t stand up yesterday when a totally BS arrest was carried out on the President of the United States. They remained, for the most part, quiet. Where is their outrage?

The Department of InJustice is totally corrupt. They are arresting people who pray at abortion clinics with SWAT teams early in the morning. They haven’t stopped attacking President Trump and he mentioned in his speech last night at Mar-a-Lago that this has cost him millions of dollars in legal fees.

Almost every legal and political analyst has said that the unfair and morally disgusting indictment filed against Trump yesterday has no merit and is not even a case. There was no crime and, anyway, the Statute of Limitations has been passed by many years.

The Democrats have weaponized our systems of law. They align with a media that is now a total propaganda apparatus like the media in the Soviet Union. They steal elections and kill (4 Trump supporters on Jan 6) and they imprison innocent supporters who protested the 2020 election steal (which is not a crime).

They slander us and use the DOJ and FBI to insert crimes into our lives because we are good Amerikans, the ones these communists and Amerika-haters hate most.

The Democrats have weaponized our system of laws like the uSA has never seen before. The people, however, see what is going on and they will not allow it to continue. Tremendous spirit, right now, in the Republican Party.

Last night, multiple individuals showed their support for the Rule of Law and recognize that the indictment of President Trump is total garbage based on a crime that they cannot even explain - because there is no crime.

I’ve reviewed the Trump indictment. There’s nothing there. Trump and the Amerikan people have been abused.

It’s time for the GOP in Congress to get going. Amerikans are livid and now live in fear that they will have an early morning FBI raid at their homes in front of their children for doing nothing wrong.

Amerikans are begging for the politicians we elected to make this stop now.