Teachers to direct parents when to engage in silent cheer.
SYDNEY, Australia (PNN) - July 21, 2016 - A public school in Sydney has just earned the prize for the most laughably insane political correctness lunacy we've ever seen. Elanora Heights Public School just issued a ban on applause and cheering in order to avoid offending people who are "sensitive to noise".
Instead of clapping and cheering, it will now be acceptable to engage in "air punching" and to "pull excited faces". Parents and students will even be allowed to, believe it or not, "wriggle about on the spot."
This is all part of the new, idiotic, mind-numbing demands of P.C. obedience coming from cognitively retarded leftists who somehow believe the best way to educate children is to turn them all into clueless, pathetic sheeple who can't handle reality. In the name of political correctness, they are demanding that everyone in society behave like blathering idiots in order to avoid offending anyone for any reason whatsoever. They're even demanding all gender words like "women" or "girl" be stripped from the English language.
What society really needs is a new T-shirt that reads, "I just took a dump in your stupid SAFE SPACE." When P.C. idiocy reaches such depths of lunatic leftism, somebody truly needs to just dump all over these demands and laugh out loud at the ridiculousness of it all.
According to the school's website, this P.C. lunacy was all instituted to "minimize discomfort to a teacher with a hearing disability that causes acute sensitivity to loud noise." Apparently, the thought never occurred to these idiots that a teacher who can't handle loud noise maybe shouldn't be teaching energetic children for a living. So the free expression of all the children and all the parents is now being suppressed and censored in order to appease one self-victimizing teacher (who could just as easily wear ear muffs and be done with it, but apparently that's not acceptable under the new rules of "equality").
What does all this P.C. lunacy really teach those children? That playing the victim is the way to bully everybody else into doing what you want them to do. That's the perfect message, it turns out, for the new generation of crybullies who are being indoctrinated by insanely stupid "progressivism" which is fundamentally rooted in mental illness.
Truly, this Elanora Heights Public School is engaged in the mental child abuse of its students by depriving them of the reality they're going to one day experience when they leave the artificial "safe space" bubbles of ultra-liberal public schools. I feel sorry for the day these children are released from school and discover the shocking truth; that the world doesn't treat you like a privileged snowflake. The rest of the world doesn't kow-tow to your childish demands just because you claim to be a victim.
Oh, and it gets better. Even if you've surrendered to the P.C. idiot police and self-censored your clapping, applause and cheering, you're not allowed to even "silent cheer" unless directed by school staff.
According to the school announcement, "When you attend an assembly, teachers will prompt the audience to conduct a silent cheer if it is needed."
Got that? If you're at a school assembly, you must now look to the teachers who will nod their approval when it's okay to "silent cheer". If you silent cheer without their approval, then you are an offensive bigot who refuses to follow the herd. This is the level of absolute idiocy the P.C. culture.
The school is staffed with such remarkably stupid adult morons that they can't even get their own headline written correctly. They use "assembly's" when they mean "assemblies".
According to News.com.au, "The ban follows a direction at exclusive Cheltenham Girls High School in northwest Sydney for teachers to avoid discrimination and support LGBTI students by avoiding the words 'girls', 'ladies' or 'women'."
If you wish to contact these morons in a desperate effort to convince them to stop mentally abusing the children in their care, the school's contact information is:
Elanora Heights Public School
43 Elanora Road
Elanora Heights NSW 2101 Australia
Phone: +61 ( 02) 9913 7283
Fax: +61 (02) 9913 3749