Police State Tactics! (not for the faint-heated or small children)

The following is a first-hand account of an incident that occurred recently in southern California.  I have cleaned up some of the language and grammar but have otherwise left the story intact.

CALIFORNIA - March 20, 2008 - I got home last night and was grabbing some beers out of the garage to put in the fridge.  My neighbor was just pulling in, and then about 5 or 6 cop cars pulled in behind and in front. My neighbor. Tim, is about 6’6” and 300 lbs....he is a commercial contractor (owner), works hand-on with cement, big pipes, road graders, steel rigging...that sort of stuff.  Big guy, and a bit short fused...but, really nice and friendly.

The cops all jumped out, told him “HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!!”  Tim shouts back “SCREW YOU” YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!”

I thought this was it...so I ran in and grabbed my video camera; I went back out, started the camera… no disk, just great.  Tim still refused to be handcuffed unless THEY TOLD HIM he was under arrest.  They said “No, you are NOT under arrest, we need to protect us (the cops), so WE CAN PROTECT YOU!!  My brain exploded when I heard that statement. Tim yelled back,” I don’t need any protection...Now, if you want to talk like normal men, we’ll talk but, I’m NOT going to talk if arrested or handcuffed so make up your mind !”

This little pimple-faced cop - must have been 22 years old - yelled, “ On the ground, dude, or I will tase you!!”  Tim yelled “ Screw you and your Taser, you little piece of crap!  Is there a man in uniform willing to talk with me?”  Just then the little twerp shot him with the Taser.  Tim jumped pretty hard, but just grabbed the Taser wires and pulled them out, then yanked the wires out of the Taser gun. The Taser gun flew across the yard. The young twerp cop pulled his 9mm.  Then two more cops pulled guns or Tasers, I couldn’t tell.  Then what looked to be the supervisor told the little twerp, “Knock it off and get back in your patrol car!!”  He told everyone to “holster”.

The supervisor asked Tim if he was OK and if he planned on getting violent.  Tim said he’s OK, and he won’t get violent, but if that little twerp cop ever gets near him again, he would mess him up.  He also said that they could arrest him if they want, but he would not talk with handcuffs on.  Something along those lines.

The older cop was very calm & defused everyone within 10 seconds.  So the cop asked him what’s going on.  From what I could hear, which was hard at times, this is how Tim explained it to the older cop.

Tim went to school to pick up his daughter, in the 10th grade (4.0 student).  She got in his truck and was crying about getting an ‘F’ on a single assignment she refused to do that day in ‘Political Science’ class.  That would drop her GPA below her 4.0. down to 3.6.

She told Tim about “the assignment” and he said “I’ll kill that bastard!!”  Two teachers heard that because his truck door was open, and called the cops.  Tim went inside to confront the teacher, but the teacher had already left.  So, Tim went to the principal’s office and said he wanted to talk with the principal.  Just then, a school cop stepped in and asked for identification.  Tim said “screw you” and brushed him aside and got in his truck and drove home. That’s when everything hit the fan.

Tim went on to explain to the supervisor cop - and this I heard word for word - “How would YOU like it if your son or daughter, who works very hard for grades, gets FAILED for refusing to participate in having the WHITE STUDENTS write APOLOGY LETTERS to the BLACK STUDENTS, about making their ancestors SLAVES or as an alternative write APOLOGY LETTERS for stealing Mexican Land from Hispanics?”

The cop asked if he was serious.  Tim said, “Hell yes, I’m serious....ask my daughter.” Ashley, Tim’s daughter, was crying uncontrollably on their sidewalk, thinking her dad was going to get shot or arrested.  She was so upset that she pissed herself.  She was crying and scared and shaking.  Tim told her to go inside and get changed and come out when she could.

The cop then asked if he was going to hurt or planned on killing a teacher. Tim said no, it was a figure of speech.  He admitted he was mad enough to kill him, but assured the officer that he wouldn’t.  The cop then issued Tim a “voluntary restraining request”.  I know a judge must issue an actual Restraining Order because I’ve had a couple!!  So Tim would not to go back to the school, unless a Peace or Social Officer was present.  I couldn’t believe the words that were being used and why.

Tim agreed, except he insisted that the older supervisor cop answer his question.  The cop said, and I quote, “I got my son out of Murrieta Valley his first year, after they had a Health Class that included safe homosexual practices.”  Tim asked the cop if he was serious, the cop said, ”As a heart attack”.

The cop gave Tim his card...and said to give him a call if he needs any help, and when or if he wants to go to the school, he would go with him.

Tim said the little twerp cop who tased him was way out of line.  The supervisor said he must inquire because he used a weapon, and he might even ask Tim to make a statement.  You can tell, that older cop didn’t like the punk cop.  I looked around and there was only one other cop car left so the other 4 or 5 took off without me even knowing it. I was focused on Tim and the old cop.

So, Tim slowly dragged the wires and pulled the Taser gun toward him...the cop picked it up and apologized (I almost fainted, this cop acted human), then wrote out the request, Tim signed it, and that was about it.  I’m not going to ask Tim what went down, I’m sure he’ll tell me later; but what the hell?  I would have done the same thing !!  We aren’t allowed to get angry at a teacher anymore?!?  Anyway, I think it’s an important incident to remember.  I’m going to eventually ask Tim if I can get the incident in the newspapers’ editorial.  Maybe I’m over-reacting, but it screwed me up a bit.  I want out of this communist state.  Here are the points about which I would write.

First, what lesson was this public educator “teaching”?  How to be a racist?  I can’t even get the meaning of the assignment but no matter what, this “teacher” should be fired immediately.

Second, you know my love for cops given the crap surrounding this whole thing.  Except that ONE old cop actually acted like a human.  That should be a lesson to ALL cops.

Third, the actions of the punk little twerp cop that tased a citizen for NO REASON Tim was 15-20 feet away and NOT approaching anyone when this little twerp fired on him.  That cop should be fired immediately and let Tim tase him for awhile.  Even just 10 years ago, not a single weapon would have been involved.  Now Tasers, pepper spray, and choke holds are an everyday occurrence.

Lastly, the whole public education system.  How this can even be a part of learning is beyond any understanding.  I have had my fair share of teacher disputes but, why is it that only ONE parent out of 30-40 students found a problem with this assignment?  That’s the part I will never understand.