Police State Files: Cops with rifles to hit streets this summer!

WASHINGTON - May 9, 2008 - Metropolitan Police Department officials said yesterday patrol officers will be issued assault rifles by the summer, after policies on their use are released this month.

The Washington Times reported Wednesday that the department is arming the officers with the rifles as part of a national trend to protect them from criminals with increasingly powerful weapons.

Assistant Chief Joshua Ederheimer said the department has spent the past year converting 500 AR-15 rifles from fully-automatic to semi-automatic and drafting training curriculum and policies governing the weapons.

"We didn't want to rush these out on the street," he said. "I think the department acted prudently."

Police in Miami and Los Angeles already use the weapons, and Chicago police have plans to use them in the near future.

Prince George's and Montgomery counties also give officers the option of carrying them.

Chief Ederheimer said the department has 352 officers trained to use the weapons and is prepared to train more, despite criticism from the police union that some tactical officers who already carry the weapons have been unable to get re-certified to use them.

Officer Scott Fike, a canine handler, said his certification for the AR-15 expired in the past three months and he was told he cannot re-qualify because the department does not have ammunition.