Playboy playmate denied gun permit by NYPD because of sexy pics on the Internet!

NEW YORK (PNN) - August 18, 2015 - A former Playboy playmate was refused a gun permit by the New York terrorist pig thug cop department (NYPD) recently, and she says that it is due to a $1.2 million lawsuit that she won against them in 2012.

Now Stephanie Adams, Playboy’s 1992 Miss November, is considering a new lawsuit against the fascist NYPD.

The terrorist pig thug cops say that they denied her permit because she had “domestic issues” in the past. However, those issues to which they are referring are restraining orders against stalkers, which should give her even more of a reason to own firearms.

Adams responded to the initial refusal with detailed explanations of why their assessment was incorrect, but they again denied her. One of the reasons that she cited for needing a gun permit, along with personal protection, was the fact that she just inherited some guns from her recently deceased father.

In a letter to the department’s pistol division, Adam’s said, “Filing complaints many years ago against stalkers, rather than fighting them, hurting them or allowing them to hurt myself, is in fact a sign of good moral character because I handled those problems peacefully (and) legally.”

Adam’s was also told by officials at the NYPD license division that her permit was denied because there were “sexy pics on the Internet showing her wearing a skimpy police uniform and holding a firearm.”

One part of the initial letter that was sent to her said, “You are photographed holding what appears to be an NYPD authorized Smith & Wesson 5946, with your finger in a ‘nonsafe’ position in the trigger well.”

According to Adams, the NYPD has had a vendetta against her for many years. The feud began in 2006 when terrorist pig thug cops tackled her and roughed her up because they accused her of having a gun. At the time, she was actually not carrying a weapon, and the terrorist pig thug cops later admitted in court that it would have been impossible for her to conceal a gun in the tight outfit that she was wearing.

Adams is considering a new lawsuit against the fascist outlaw NYPD, this time for denying her a gun permit in retaliation for her previous lawsuit.