Terrorist cops threaten children and kill their dog
CHICAGO, Illinois (PNN) - March 27, 2013 - Six children from Chicago are going to remember this night as one of their most traumatizing experiences. The children, aged 11 months to 13 years at the time, were rehearsing songs for the church choir with their grandmother Charlene Holly when eight armed terrorist pig thug cops burst through the door and started aiming guns at them, yelling “get on the ground!”.
One of the cops even asked Charlene to show the 11-month-old’s hands to them at gunpoint. When she asked the reason for the raid, she was handed a warrant for Sedgwick M. Reavers, the tenant of the apartment one floor above the Hollys. The warrant clearly stated, “The second floor apartment located at 10640 S. Prairie Ave.” but the outlaw terrorist pig thug cops broke into the first floor apartment, cursing at the minors and telling them, “This is what happens when your grandma sells crack”.
After the raid, Charlene found their family dog Samson dead in the upstairs laundry room, where he was presumably dragged with a dog pole by one of the murderous bastard pig thug cops. The family kept Samson in the basement and he couldn’t have reached the laundry room on his own.
Charlene and Samuel Holly are now pressing charges on Chicago, terrorist pig thug cop Patrick Kinney, and eight John Does for putting the lives of their children in danger.