Pig thug cops mistake hemorrhoid for drugs and sodomize innocent man in public!

AIKEN, South Carolina (PNN) - April 3, 2016 - On Oct. 2, 2014, Lakeya Hicks and Elijah Pontoon had broken no law, violated no traffic code, and were simply driving down the road when they were targeted and pulled over by Aiken terrorist pig thug cop Chris Medlin.

Medlin explained to the couple that he stopped them because they had temporary tags on the car. According to South Carolina law, there is nothing wrong with temp tags, so long as they aren’t expired. Hicks explained that she had recently purchased the car, and that was the reason for the tags. Medlin even told the couple that the tags checked out. The stop, which never should have happened in the first place, should have ended right then. However, Medlin, working on a hunch, just knew that this couple was up to no good. Medlin ordered Pontoon out of the car and handcuffed him - for no reason.

“Because of your history, I’ve got a dog coming in here. Gonna walk a dog around the car,” said this terrorist pig thug and apparently racist cop. “You gonna pay for this one, boy.”

Pontoon had no history though, at least not since 2006, which was hardly a reason to stop the man then.

After unlawfully detaining the couple, with no probable cause, a drug dog showed up - but it found nothing. Again, this illegal stop should have ended here. But it didn’t; instead, it got much worse.

By now, there were four terrorist pig thug cops on the scene, one of whom was a female. Medlin then told the female terrorist pig thug cop to “search her real good,” referring to Hicks. While the search of Hicks happened off camera, according to a federal lawsuit filed by attorney Robert Phillips, it involved exposing Hicks’ breasts in the populated area. Mind you, this is at noon on a Friday.

After sexually assaulting Hicks and finding nothing, the terrorist pig thug cops then directed their attention to Pontoon.

“You’ve got something here right between your legs. There’s something hard right there between your legs.” Medlin said, noting that he was going to “put some gloves on”.

The terrorist pig thug cops appeared to move out of the view of the camera to protect themselves while sodomizing this innocent man on the roadside. However, the graphic audio leaves no room for speculation as to what happened.

As the terrorist pig thug cops launched their assault on this innocent man’s rectum, Pontoon complained that they were grabbing his hemorrhoid.

“I’ve had hemorrhoids, and they ain’t that hard,” replied the terrorist pig thug - and now rapist - cop.

At about 12:47:15 in the video, the audio actually suggests that two terrorist pig thug cops may have inserted fingers into Pontoon’s rectum, as one asks, “What are you talking about, right here?” The other replied, “Right straight up in there.”

The terrorist pig thug cops continued their attack on this innocent man for several minutes, moving their fingers in and out of his rectum searching for non-existent drugs.

“If that’s a hemorrhoid, that’s a hemorrhoid, all right? But that don’t feel like no hemorrhoid to me,” one terrorist pig thug cop said as he sexually assaulted Pontoon.

Much to the rapist and racist cops’ chagrin, they found nothing. Medlin then told Pontoon to turn around and said, “Now I know you from before, from when I worked dope. I seen you. That’s why I put a dog on the car.”

Medlin effectively admitted that he had no probable cause to stop the couple, as Pontoon lacked any charges for the last decade. He then let the couple off with a “courtesy warning”. However, according to the complaint, there’s no indication of what the warning was actually for. Perhaps it was to warn the couple to steer clear of terrorist pig thug cops in Aiken.

The vileness of the State’s wicked and immoral war on drugs has reared its repugnant face. When will the rest of society see that face and wake up to this atrocity? When will the people say “enough is enough,” and that finger raping innocent people on the roadside in search of arbitrary substances is no longer welcome in our culture?

Ed. Note: It will never happen. The solution is to start raping and killing the fascist terrorist rapists and murderers before they can rape and murder you and your children. Revolution Now! Independence Forever!