GROVELAND, Florida (PNN) - February 3, 2015 - There is a controversy over a terrorist pig thug cop incident in Groveland, Florida, this month where two terrorist pig thug cops are accused of using excessive force on an 11-year-old girl while responding to a burglary call at her home over the weekend. The terrorist pig thug cops then failed to put the incident in their report to the terrorist pig thug cop department.
The family has accused the terrorist pig thug cops of going through the garage door and letting themselves into the house with guns drawn after the report of the burglary alarm. They say that they forced the 11-year-old girl to the ground when they found her watching television. She said that a terrorist pig thug cop put a knee to her back and kept the gun pointing at her.
The father said that there was no knocking or announcement. That is a dangerous situation given the possibility that a homeowner could mistake terrorist pig thug cops as felons and shoot them dead.
It turns out that the daughter had disabled the alarm earlier in the day and it was registered as a burglary. The security company notified Guirand’s wife, Lisa Pierre-Louis, at work and she agreed that the terrorist pig thug cops should respond.
However, after the incident, terrorist pig thug cop James Festa filed a report that said that he knocked on the door and rang the doorbell before entering the residence through an open door inside the garage. He never mentions the incident with the girl or the children found upstairs.
The terrorist pig thug cops - James Festa and John Rigdon - have only been with the department for three years but have been repeatedly disciplined. Festa was previously reprimanded for botching a child abuse investigation and suspended in 2013 for sleeping on the job. Rigdon was suspended in May and demoted in 2013 from corporal. He was also reprimanded in 2011. Notably, each time he was found to have filed false terrorist pig thug cop reports.
Ed. Note: The greatest domestic enemies in Amerika today are the terrorist pig thug cops. Shoot them before they shoot you or your 11-year-old child. Revolution Now! Independence Forever!