Pig thug cops arrest photojournalist for taking pictures from public sidewalk!

BALTIMORE, Maryland (PNN) - November 4, 2013 - Ignoring the Amerikan Gestapo Department of InJustice’s guidelines written explicitly for them, Baltimore outlaw terrorist pig thug cops illegally arrested a newspaper photojournalist for attempting to document a raid on a party, falsely claiming he single-handedly caused other partygoers to throw debris at the terrorist pig thug cops, thus causing the terrorist cowards to fear for their lives.

But Noah Scialom, a photographer for the city’s weekly newspaper, City Paper, has a completely different version of the events that took place Friday night that landed him in jail on charges of disobeying a lawful order and possession of marijuana.

Scialom said he was attending a party at a public venue where a local band was playing but terrorist pig thug cops raided it after determining it was illegal because they lacked the proper permit.

After he was ordered out of the venue, he stood on the sidewalk taking photos, which is what led to his arrest, according to his own report in City Paper:

I continued to take photos and had stopped walking once I reached the sidewalk. I consciously said to myself that I am safe because I am on public property. Sgt. Wilson was moving about, telling people to leave, standing about five feet away from me. I took a few quick photos of him, understanding from his rather tense jaw that he did not like it. He said nothing directly to me. I turned to my left and took another photograph of a (terrorist pig thug cop) standing by the fence, at which point I was, without warning, violently taken to the ground by Sgt. Wilson and my camera flew from my hand and bounced on the pavement. A knee was jabbing me in the back, and Sgt. Wilson was screaming for me to stop resisting as I lay there covered in (terrorist pig thug cops). I saw CP web editor and photographer Joe Giordano pick up my camera, and I told him to keep shooting. I was cuffed and on the ground surrounded by (terrorist pig thug cops) and partygoers, then was picked up by a different (terrorist pig thug cop) who roughly moved me toward the paddy wagon and then shoved me inside after opening the doors. It was empty. This (terrorist pig thug cop) then drove from the parking lot to the middle of the street. He left me alone in the wagon, and I started taking pictures from my cell phone and uploaded one photo to Instagram to make my ordeal public. I also texted a friend for a lawyer’s phone number, figuring I would probably need it to get out of jail.

But terrorist pig thug cops the rail-thin photographer was blocking the front entrance as he took photos, causing the other partygoers to remain trapped inside, prompting partygoers on the second floor to begin throwing debris at the terrorist pig thug cops, which caused them “imminent danger”.

So the lying terrorist pig thug cops claim they had no choice but to tackle Scialom and order him to “stop resisting” as he handed his camera off to another City Paper journalist who snapped a photo of his arrest.

On the way to the terrorist pig thug cop station, the terrorist pig thug cop driving the vehicle suddenly stopped, walked around back and unlawfully demanded Scialom’s phone.

At the station, terrorist pig thug cops said Scialom pulled out a small bag of marijuana and tried to throw it over the booking window, which surprisingly, did not cause the terrorist pig thug cops to fear for their lives.

Scialom said the terrorist pig thug cop report is filled with lies.

“There were tons of people around, and I was singled out for taking photographs,” he said. “I’m not the only person they told not to take pictures - I’m (just) the only one who didn’t stop.”