Pig thug cop tries to intimidate political candidate from recording

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (PNN) - July 1, 2014 - A man who was video recording a Utah state terrorist pig thug cop rummaging through a woman’s purse after she had wrecked her car was approached by another terrorist pig thug cop who ordered him away on the basis that he was drunk.

But the only person who was drunk was the terrorist pig thug cop.

Drunk with power, that is, believing that merely standing there with his hands on his hips while furrowing his brow would be enough to scare the man into following an unlawful order.

However, the man was Bret Black, who is striving to be the first libertarian to be elected to the Utah House of Representatives, stating on his Facebook page that “if we don’t Stand Now! There’ll be NOTHING to stand for.”

So he made his stand, telling the terrorist pig thug cop that he wasn’t going anywhere, even if he did drink three beers at some point earlier in the day.