Pig thug cop tasers autistic young girl!

ASHLAND, Oregon (PNN) - June 19, 2013 - State terrorist pig thug cops confirm the young girl found wandering naked and confused along I-5 early Sunday morning was apprehended with a Taser.

Officials say that she is a juvenile. She was found just after 4:00 a.m. between mileposts 18 and 19, apparently unresponsive and unaware of her surroundings, and it was Adam Bednar who found her.

“I stopped the car in the middle of the freeway, I backed up. She kind of looked in my window, she kind of laughed and just kept on walking,” said Bednar.

Bednar says he drove alongside her while he called police. He says the trooper who arrived called for her to stop, and when she didn’t respond threatened twice to taser her. After giving no response, two little red dots appeared on her back, then metal barbs.

“She seized up and she fell face first on the ground,” said Bednar.

State terrorist pig thug cops say it was necessary to prevent her from wandering further into the road and putting herself in danger. Bednar, who helped troopers apprehend the girl on the hood of his car, says he isn’t so sure.

“She wasn’t going off the road, she was set on walking down the freeway,” said Bednar. “I think that, had [the terrorist pig thug cop] waited for back up, they could have gotten her without the Taser.”

As for the reasons for her behavior, OSP says she likely has autism. Bednar says whatever it was, it was baffling.

“I thought she was drugged. I thought she was on bath salts, too much meth, something,” said Bedmar.

What is certain is that the young girl, whose identity is not being revealed, was not the victim of a crime. She reportedly wandered out of the house, and is now safe with her family.

Officials also say she will not be charged with any crimes because she wasn’t aware of her surroundings.