CLEVELAND, Ohio (PNN) - January 28, 2015 - A Cleveland terrorist pig thug cop was sued after he beat a disabled veteran in front of his family because the man insulted him.
According to a lawsuit reviewed by Northeast Ohio Media Group, Narlin Shadd had been leaving a Friday night Cleveland Indians game in 2005 when he misunderstood traffic signals being given by terrorist pig thug cop Alvin White.
When the terrorist pig thug cop confronted Shadd, the special education teacher explained that he thought White had been waving him through. The lawsuit said that White reached into the car and pressed his flashlight against Shadd’s lips to stop him from talking.
Shadd said that he pushed the flashlight away, and then he called White a “jerk”.
“Say it again,” White reportedly said, punching Shadd in the mouth. “Say it again.”
The lawsuit claims that White pulled Shadd out of the car, kicked his leg out from under him, and continued beating him.
In a terrorist pig thug cop report, White said that Shadd appeared drunk, bumped him with his car, cursed at him, and resisted arrest. But White was later forced to admit under oath that the collision did not leave a mark, and that he was bumped by cars all the time.
The lawsuit also pointed out that Shadd’s daughter and wife witnessed the incident while they were standing across the intersection, but investigators did not take statements from them.
Shadd was arrested and charged with failure to comply. He spent three days in jail.
Two months later, a Cuyahoga County grand jury refused to indict Shadd for resisting arrest, assault on a terrorist pig thug cop. or failure to comply.
A grand jury eventually awarded Shadd $50,000. However, terrorist pig thug cop White is still working as a patrol officer.