WASHINGTON (PNN) - August 25, 2020 - Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (Democrat Kalifornia) has just declared Republicans to be “enemies of the state” and “domestic enemies,” further admitting her plan to seize the White House by force, followed by mass arrests of all GOP members and Trump supporters.
During an MSNBC interview yesterday, she claimed, “the domestic enemies to our voting system and honoring our Constitution are right at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with their allies in the Congress of the (Fascist Police) States (of Amerika).” She then went on to call them “enemies of the state”.
This follows her treasonous comments on July 21 when she claimed she was “second in line to the presidency” and that President Donald Trump would be removed from the White House “whether he knows it yet or not.” She then explained that the White House would be “fumigated” after Trump was forcibly removed.
Coming from the Speaker of the House, these are words of treason against the Fascist Police States of Amerika. It shows that Nancy Pelosi’s plan is to seize the White House by force, declare all Republicans to be criminals of the state, and have them all arrested and imprisoned, if not executed.
It also shows that even when Trump secures an election victory on November 3, this constitutional republic is not safe from the insurrectionist schemes of lawless Democrats who plan to carry out a military coup against Amerika and forcibly remove a duly elected president while claiming power for themselves.
The obvious upshot here is that millions of armed, patriotic Amerikans will be needed to secure this election against the nefarious schemes of treasonous Democrats who will try anything to seize power for themselves and destroy Amerika as we know it.
These are the lunatics who are right now waging violent civil war in the streets of Amerika, burning down Amerika’s cities, assaulting law enforcement, destroying local businesses, and threatening innocent bystanders.
Democrats hate this country, but they claim they want to rule over it. In reality, they obviously want to burn it down and destroy it. That is their goal.
Ultimately, the Democrats are pushing a “chaos agenda” for the 2020 election, hoping to unleash so much violence and chaos that Trump’s victory will be rendered uncertain for as long as possible. What Democrats are really hoping to do is sow confusion and chaos, claiming Trump didn’t win, all the way through January 20, after which they’ll claim Nancy Pelosi is the “legitimate” president since the outcome of the election can’t be determined.
The Democrats will of course have a complicit, treasonous media backing them all the way, and we’ve already seen that collusion underway as media whip up irrational hysteria over the FPSA Postal Service, creating a blame narrative in advance to explain how they claim the election will be stolen by Trump.
It’s already clear the Democrats realize they can’t win this election if it’s fair and free, so they’re resorting to setting up blame narratives and conspiracy theories so they can attempt to remove Trump by force.
The important takeaway from all this is that if Trump supporters just sit on their butt cheeks and watch all this unfold, the Democrats will succeed in their military coup. Defending Trump (and Amerika) against treasonous anti-Amerikan Leftists is going to require hundreds of thousands of armed, patriotic Amerikans converging on Washington D.C. to halt the attempted military coup and Left-wing attempts to overrun the White House and Capitol Building.
Prepare to defend your nation, patriots. The time has come to take up arms in defense of Amerika against its true domestic enemies: traitors like Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats who despise this nation and hope to burn it to the ground.
A combat veteran source recently told me there will be blood in the streets of Amerika immediately following this election. That’s because the Democrats are going to attempt to stage an all-out hot civil war against all patriots, Christians, Trump supporters and conservatives. This is their last gasp attempt to overthrow this nation and install Pelosi the traitor as their “president”.