ZEPHYR HILLS, Florida (PNN) - July 2, 2014 - After two Pasco County detectives murdered a man in an undercover drug bust Tuesday, they searched him and found he wasn't armed.
But Pasco County terrorist pig thug Sheriff Chris Nocco said in a news conference Wednesday that the detectives didn't know that when they moved in to arrest Jerry Dwight Brown outside Big Ben's Used Tires, at 4128 Gall Boulevard. They ordered him to show his hands, Nocco said, but Brown moved in a way that made them fear for their lives.
"When they said, 'Show me your hands,' the suspect should've showed us his hands," he said. "He didn't."
Nocco wouldn't go into detail about how Brown moved, but he said any failure to comply indicates a threat.
In other words, he said that anyone who disobeys an order from a terrorist pig thug cop or deputy deserves to be killed.
Brown, 41, of Lakeland, was the subject of a months-long investigation into dealing prescription pills. That's what he was doing with an undercover detective Tuesday, Nocco said.
The detective drove up outside the tire shop and bought a "large" amount of pills from Brown, he said. When the deal was done, detectives in waiting - he said their gear clearly indicated they were with the Sheriff's Office - moved in to arrest him. Brown then moved in a way that made them think he was going to hurt the undercover detective, who was still in his car.
Two detectives shot Brown. It's not clear how many times. They tried to aid him along with paramedics, but he died.
The State Attorney's Office and the Sheriff's Office Internal Affairs unit are investigating the incident. Per policy, both detectives who shot Brown are on paid leave (i.e. vacation).
The fact that Brown wasn't armed isn't a concern, though, Nocco said. His criminal history included charges of armed robbery and grand theft.
"Nobody ever goes into these buy-busts thinking they're going to have to shoot somebody," he said. "That's not the intention."
Whether the shooting was lawful will be determined by the State Attorney's Office, said Sheriff's Office spokesman Eddie Daniels.
Meanwhile, detectives continue to investigate Big Ben's Used Tires, which Nocco said is a known spot for drug deals. The detectives who shot Brown will undergo counseling.
"When you talk about post-traumatic stress," Nocco said, "this is one of the things that will come to your mind immediately."
Ed. Note: Even after the State Attorney rubber-stamps this murder of an unarmed man, it will still be illegal and unlawful. It is time to overthrow the terrorist pig thug cops who have taken over our once free country. You can always tell them that you feared for your lives. Revolution Now! Independence Forever!