“Papers, please!” Homeland Security says prove your citizenship on demand or face deportation!

February 25, 2008 - In light of suspicionless Homeland Security check points being conducted in the interior of the country, the story depicted below is especially disturbing.

It appears that well over 100 U.S. citizens were recently discovered sitting in Homeland Security Detention facilities around the country awaiting deportation orders after being denied access to counsel.

According to the organization that conducted the 2006 study, the 125 individuals identified as having credible claims of U.S. citizenship are most likely just the tip of the iceberg, given the huge number of individuals detained every year.

Keep in mind that this story isn't about individuals attempting to enter the country. This story is about individuals already here. As such, let the implications of that statement sink in for just a minute.

Now imagine taking a stroll around your neighborhood.  Perhaps you're out walking your dog or just hiking over to the nearest grocery store.  Suddenly you're approached by burly men in green uniforms with guns and federal badges who demand that you prove your citizenship.

Don't think it could happen?  You may want to ask residents in and around Phoenix, San Diego, & Los Angeles whether or not it could happen.