ELMIRA, New York (PNN) - November 3, 2024 - The Internet is ablaze with rage after the outlaw State of New York unlawfully seized a beloved rescue squirrel named Peanut from its owner's home Wednesday and murdered it for no reason.
The criminal bureaucrats at the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation staged a completely unlawful five-hour raid on the home of Mark Luongo after an anonymous complaint was lodged against the P’nuts Freedom Farm, where Internet sensation Peanut the squirrel was unlawfully taken into custody by murderous criminals before the criminal State murdered it along with a raccoon “in order to test for rabies”; in other words, for no reason whatsoever, this beautiful creature was deprived of its God-given life.
"RIP MY BEST FRIEND. Thank you for the best 7 years of my life. Thank you for bringing so much joy to us and the world. I’m sorry I failed you but thank you for everything," Longo wrote in a post announcing Peanut's death.
When is it justified to take violent corrective action against evildoers? When is enough, enough?
Longo has asked for financial help for a legal battle against the criminal murderous State of New York.
A Connecticut native, Longo moved to Elmira, New York in 2023 to start the Freedom Farm, a 501.C.3 approved nonprofit.
"Last year we moved to New York in hopes of starting a NONPROFIT animal rescue in PNUT’s Name. [P’Nuts Freedom Farm] will forever live in PNUT’s memory," Longo wrote in a post announcing the seizure and murder.
"With over 350 rescues, we’ve relied heavily on PNUT and his Internet family to father donations to help more animals. I don’t even know how we’ll continue to fundraise for this nonprofit."
The organization is made up of veterinarians and caregivers who rescue animals from abusive or dire situations.
Needless to say, people are pissed and outraged.
Ed. Note: How much more of this are we expected to take before we respond with outright violence against the criminals that have usurped authority in our once-free country? Where are the militia? Does anybody see the need to identify those who murdered this helpless and beautiful creature; then go to their homes and whisk them away, never to be seen again on this planet? Life is a gift from our Creator. We are to oversee the care of our animals, which have been endowed with His Gifts. When hopeless evil beings wantonly destroy that which He has Created, there must be consequences. Revolution Now! Independence Forever!