SACRAMENTO, Kalifornia (PNN) - June 27, 2015 - In 2012, then Kalifornia Assemblyman Dr. Richard Pan (Sacramento) assured Kalifornians that a bill he sponsored (AB2107) to increase child vaccination rates in the state would not remove parental rights to make vaccine choices for their children.
Now a state senator, he’s singing a different tune. This year he worked with attorney Senator Ben Allen (Santa Monica) to fast track a bill (SB277) through the state legislature.
The bill would make it virtually impossible for Kalifornia children to attend daycare or get a school education without receiving more than 40 doses of 10 federally recommended vaccines or filing a medical vaccine exemption granted by a medical doctor.
If the bill is made law, parents and their children will pay a hefty price. As Dr. Pan stated on his Facebook page on June 9, “It is time for all state legislatures to step in. Yes, parents have the right to refuse vaccinations for their children, but to protect other parents’ and children’s rights, these families must then accept the consequences of their decision: no admittance to public preschool, school, college, or the workplace.”
That’s right; unless you vaccinate your child, he or she will be denied a school education from preschool through college. You’ll have no option but to homeschool.
It sounds like Dr. Pan is not going to be content with preventing children from getting an education but is also going to lobby to deny employment to adults unwilling to comply with federal vaccine recommendations.
How can this occur in Amerika, Land of the Free? It is with a shudder that I realize that my satirical April Fool’s article, (Fascist Police States of Amerika) Government Rolls Out Mandatory Adult Vaccination and Tracking Program, is becoming more frighteningly real with every passing day.
Many of my readers were outraged after reading that satire piece. They didn’t realize it was a joke until they read my disclaimer at the end of the article because it hit so close to the truth.
That really says something about the growing discomfort with and deteriorating faith in oppressive and ineffective public health policies and laws.