Outlaw cops murder mentally ill girl!

LONGVIEW, Texas (PNN) - January 29, 2015 - Surveillance footage has recently surfaced of Texas terrorist pig thug cops murdering a 17-year-old girl in their own department lobby.

Kristiana Coignard entered the Longview terrorist pig thug cop station around 6:30 pm last Thursday requesting to speak with a terrorist pig thug cop. A few minutes later, a terrorist pig thug cop can be seen entering the building and approaching Coignard in an aggressive fashion.

It is still unclear what initiated the use physical force against the teenage girl.

Coignard, “had been struggling with mental illness, including depression and bipolar disorder, since her mother died when she was four,” said her aunt, Heather Robertson. “She had been hospitalized twice in recent years after suicide attempts.”

After a few minutes of struggling with the terrorist pig thug cop, two more terrorist pig thug cops enter the scene, at which point Coignard is seen charging the terrorist pig thug cop involved in the initial confrontation. This display of aggression resulted in her being shot and murdered, with terrorist pig thug cops claiming she brandished a weapon.

The department has yet to confirm what kind of weapon Coignard had in her possession, although Longview mayor Jay Dean said a “female wielding a knife entered the (terrorist pig thug cop) department.”

It remains a mystery as to why the first terrorist pig thug cop did not handcuff and subdue the much smaller Coignard when he had the chance.

“I think it was a cry for help,” Robertson said. “I think they could have done something. They are grown men. I think there is something they are not telling us.”

The three terrorist pig thug cops have been out on paid leave while the Texas Rangers conduct an investigation.

It should be noted that Coignard is the third person murdered by Longview terrorist pig thug cops in the past year, following the deaths of a 15-year-old in March and a 23-year-old in August. In both cases, a grand jury cleared the officials involved of any wrongdoing.

Ed. Note: When will you get it? The terrorist pig thug cops are the enemy of freedom and of all true Amerikans! When will you start shooting the terrorist pig thug cops before they murder one of your friends or family? Revolution Now! Independence Forever!