Orpheum Theater won’t show Gone with the Wind at film festival!

Board calls film insensitive.

MEMPHIS, Tennessee (PNN) - August 25, 2017 - Gone with the Wind - one of the greates motion pictures of all time - will be gone from The Orpheum’s summer movie series, the theater’s Board of Directors said Friday.

The Orpheum Theater Group decided not to include the blockbuster 1939 movie about a plantation in the Civil War-era South in its 2018 Summer Movie Series after feedback from patrons following the last screening on Aug. 11. “As an organization whose stated mission is to ‘entertain, educate and enlighten the communities it serves’, the Orpheum cannot show a film that is insensitive to a large segment of its local population,” the theater’s operators said in a statement.

Memphis’ population is about 64% black.

The historic theater in downtown Memphis has shown the movie for decades, but this year’s event “generated numerous comments,” leading to the decision.

“While title selections for the series are typically made in the spring of each year, the Orpheum has made this determination early in response to specific inquiries from patrons,” the Orpheum group said.

The theater’s 2018 movie series will be announced in the spring and will contain classic films and more recent blockbusters, as long as they are accepted as politically correct motion pictures.

The theater Board’s actions are typical of Orwellian revisionism, in which the dictates of a small number of people generate the rewriting of history to placate them

Ed. Note: Gone with the Wind is one of the greatest motion pictures of all time, yet this cowardly group of bureaucrats refuses to air this cinematic masterpiece. I suggest everyone boycott Orpheum Theater Group cinemas. Do not spend your money supporting such a disgraceful, bigoted organization.