WASHINGTON (PNN) - October 9, 2020 - President Donald Trump’s camp has responded to the news of the cancellation of next week’s debate by insisting that President Trump is still willing to participate in three debates.
Trump Campaign: “Would be glad to do 1-on-1 debate with no meddling.”
Trump Campaign: “No reason not to have 3 debates as planned.”
The Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) announced last night that it had rejected the Trump Campaign and Biden Campaign’s compromise plan to simply push back the debate schedule by a week (moving the second debate to Oct. 22, and the third and final debate until Oct. 29).
The CPD will shift its focus to the third presidential debate, set for Oct. 22 in Nashville at Belmont University. That debate will be divided into six 15-minute segments.
It is notable that the cancellation follows last night’s mini-scandal set in motion when Steve Scully, the chosen debate moderator, sent a tweet to Anthony Scaramucci that many suspect should have been a direct message.
When pressed for an explanation, he said his account was hacked.
Needless to say, while most Amerikans are probably relieved that they won’t need to sit through another chaotic spectacle like the first debate, conservatives are lashing out at the commission.