One man’s personal experience with the fascist TSA!

NEW YORK (PNN) - December 24, 2013 - Several weeks ago I took my wife to New York City so she could see the place done up for Christmas. I would have rather gone to Colorado but when you're married these are the kinds of deals you make. We flew out of Raleigh, North Carolina to NYC, then out of La Guardia back to Raleigh.

When we got to the security line in Raleigh they were just using the metal detectors so I told my wife no big deal you can just go through. Then as we got closer they closed the line for the metal detector and flipped the switch on the microwave body scanners and began herding sheeple through it. It amazed me how people literally walked in, raised their hands and took the radiation with a smile. When I got to my turn in line they motioned me to the death trap but I said no thanks I'm gonna opt out. Oh, by the way, my wife's gonna opt out, too. They looked a little surprised but nonetheless called their pat down brigade over to escort me to a special area on the other side of the machine. They asked me which stuff was mine on the conveyor belt. I pointed it out and was told not to touch anything.

When we got to the pat down spot the guy started to explain how everything was going to work. I told him I was familiar with it just go ahead. He looked a little surprised but started his molestation (I mean examination). He narrated the whole time he was doing it. To be honest, the guy didn't seem like he was enjoying it too much. His eyes weren't bugging out like some of the ones I've seen in the past. Just a normal guy "just following orders". The lady doing my wife's examination seemed normal, too. They were polite and professional so I didn't feel inclined to bust their balls too much. We went on our way.

I had a totally different experience coming back through NYC. First off, there was literally no one at the airport - we came back on a Saturday. The Amerikan Gestapo Transportation Security Administration division goons were all just laughing and yucking it up near their station – there wasn't a person for miles that had to go through security. The point lady motioned for me to go through the scanner and I just stood there and moved to the gate where they let you through for the pat down. She got the most indignant look on her face and said, "SIR" and motioned again to the DNA-unraveling body scanner. I said that I was opting out. She rolled her eyes and moved her head around in a little bob. She had a terrible attitude as she called for someone to come pat me down. I told her to get a female too for my wife. That's when she walked away mumbling under her breath that she don't know what be wrong with people. She started talking crap with the guy running the conveyor belt x-ray machine and he told her to keep it down. I just stared at her Adam Kokesh style.

So the guy came to pat me down. He was a young guy - maybe Latino or something. He asked if I had ever done this before and I told him I was experienced. He almost seemed embarrassed to be patting me down; a real humble guy. After it was over, I told him that the lady could talk crap all she wanted but it doesn't change the fact that the body scanners are dangerous. I literally said to him, "There is a Harvard study you should read that shows how bad these things are for you so it's not just Brendon making this up. You really shouldn't stand near them." He said that he was aware of the dangers and completely agreed but said that the TSA was paying for his education and this was the only way he could pay for school and rent! I felt bad for the guy, I really did. I told him that maybe he could get another job. He said it was too expensive in NYC to do anything else and the benefits here were too good for him to leave.

Oh, they found some kind of residue on my wife's jacket so they had to congregate at their machine for a few minutes. I wanted to tell them that it was the residue of liberty that rubbed off her skin but that would have freaked them out even more. I walked over to talk to her and they started bugging their eyes out at me and told me she wasn't finished. I didn't respond so they just said she was done now and we could go on... they caved.

My overall observation is that the TSA knows they’re doing a scumbag job. Some of them love the power and really get off on it but most are just going through the motions like someone running the cash register at Wal-Mart. What's concerning is that the elites have created such a crappy economy that people get trapped in a job like TSA and feel that there's no way out. Sure, some of the pedophiles and criminals love the job and are lifers... but most of the workers are just sheeple like the every day traveler. They don't want to be putting their fingers inside your waistband. They just want the paycheck.

The problem is not the TSA. The problem is that my wife and I were the only people out of thousands to opt out at the airport! PEOPLE JUST DON'T CARE! If everyone opted out every time the body scanners would become obsolete overnight. But the general public doesn't care enough to change. How can I expect the low level TSA minion to care enough to change or question his job when only 1 person in 1000 is opting out?