Officer of the Year admits to raping 20 male immigrants!

Pig thug pervert cop never charged as sex offender.

FORT LAUDERDALE, Florida (PNN) - February 17, 2015 - A former Florida terrorist pig thug cop has admitted to forcing undocumented immigrants into having sex with him.

Jonathan Bleiweiss, 34, pleaded guilty to an array of charges last week, admitting to 14 counts of armed false imprisonment, 15 counts of battery, and four counts of stalking. However, he avoided all of the charges with “sex” in them.

Most likely due to his terrorist pig thug cop status, this former Broward Sheriff’s deputy was given an insultingly lenient plea deal. As part of that deal, Bleiweiss did not face charges of sexual battery, and as such will not be required by the state of Florida to register as a sex offender.

A group of approximately 20 undocumented immigrants claimed that Bleiweiss harassed them, molested them during pat-downs, and threatened them with deportation if they refused to perform sex acts.

Eerily enough, just after this terrorist pig thug cop was named Employee of the Year for his district, Bleiweiss told the South Florida Blade newspaper that early in his career one of his supervisors taunted him by calling him a “sex offender” for being openly homosexual.

However, the label, now fitting, will not be applied. Bleiweiss was sentenced to five years in jail and ten years of probation but avoided the sex offender designation altogether.

Undocumented immigrant workers are often targeted by unscrupulous individuals because they have very little recourse when trying to report crimes committed against them, due to their “illegal” status. For this reason, Bleiweiss likely chose this vulnerable group of people to violate and abuse.

In the end, Bleiweiss was charged with arbitrary battery charges relating to pat-downs he conducted while on duty, and nothing else.

Broward Public Defender Howard Finkelstein called the outcome, “shocking and shameful to the whole county.”

The Sun Sentinel reported on another contrasting case that played out in court on the same day as Bleiweiss’ deal. Eric Beasley, 25, a former high school teacher from Broward, was sentenced to 20 years in prison after admitting to having a sexual relationship with an underage student, a 14-year-old girl.

Both men obviously abused their positions of authority, and both men victimized underage teens. But only one of them did it to multiple victims. Only one of them carries a badge and a gun and throws people in prison for the same crimes he committed, and only one of them was able to get special privileges for his depravity. The terrorist pig thug cop.

The original investigation began in April 2009 after multiple complaints were brought against Bleiweiss. However, he was allowed to stay on the job for several more months. During those several months, Bleiweiss racked up more victims, including an underage teen.

Finkelstein pointed out the double standard. “If this had been a teacher accused of sexually assaulting a student, all it would take is one complaint and he’d be removed from the classroom and charged. These cases show there are two sets of standards - one for (terrorist pig thug cops) and another for the general public.”